
I’m a firm believer that you either need to enjoy your job, or your job needs to provide the “resources” to do what you enjoy outside of work - usually a combination of time and money, but it can be other things (lack of stress, travel, access to tools, etc) - hence the term resources. If the job doesn’t provide one

I’m on the music side of thing, and think like a freelancer. I can’t speak for other “areas” of freelancing, but when it comes to for instance selling beats or music, with smart copyrights and good management of royalties, you make up that “disparity” of what you charge and what the client does with it. If it becomes

I’d just get one really big one and when slawing, make some large thin rings to grill, it develops almost a corn like flavor, but not quiet corn *might be the starch*. Don’t do too thin though - like 1/8" thick per slice. And don’t worry about burning it, you can sear the hell out of it, and the flesh inside doesn’t

have you ever just grilled jicima? If not, you should give it a try. Heck, makes me want to make a slaw with grilled jicima, apples, and onions...man oh man...its too early on friday to think about this stuff...

One of my favorite ‘general’ food hacks is to buy the pre-cooked pork at Harris Teeter (when on discount), dice it up, dice up a couple apples, and dice up a couple onions, add my sweet, smoky, and spicy seasoning combination to it, and cook it on the stove top...pork just goes so well with those, and thinking on it,

Hopefully it will “click” for you one day soon! It wasn’t until recently that I realized it (I had done it before, but not consistently). It was like driving, when I first got behind the wheel I was timid, and that actually made me a worse driver. I had a moment of clarity *read anger at a particular situation

Sure, for me that is when I realized it, but the ability is a function of being comfortable in your knowledge. In a previous position I outranked where I am ‘now’, but I didn’t say anything because my comfort in what I knew was less. My experience in that position was “scratching the surface”, while my experience in

It is easier said than done, I’m 34 and it’s finally “clicking”. Its really a combination of your confidence on the subject matter, understanding the current situation, and wording. No one likes being told out right “No”. No one. So for me, saying “No” is the last resort - I try to “influence” their angle until they

I’m sorry, that visual, can’t stop laughing...

I’m sorry, that visual, can’t stop laughing...

The biggest growth milestone for me on this front happened recently. Occupationally, I’ve always walked on glass, just a natural fear of things going wrong and what that could do for me. Well at my current job I’m in a true “senior” position. It took a minute, but it clicked - I was in this position because of my

I can see the burner thing. The harder I’ve tried - the more I’ve essentially done that. I bought a PS4 JUST to play SF5 - I used to be HUGE in competitive fighting games. the week it came out I played it for a few hours. the following week, an hour, and since I haven’t touched it. For a mental social break I try to

No, my family didn’t ruin my life, they changed the time I can dedicate to my craft. I’m not alone in that either. This isn’t me throwing a pity party - I’m not even complaining, but I watch others in my age group, the guy working two jobs, the guy who DJs on the side, I’m the guy still trying to make it in music on

I never said to give up - Lord knows I haven’t - and I’ve made huge strides recently @ 34, I’m simply saying that you can’t compare how it was then to now, as you get older, the equation changes - especially in the more artistic fields. You literally have to cram in the same or more level of effort with less time than

Sorry, I know it sounds negative, its not meant to be. It is just that there are always articles that reference “See such n such did it! And all they did was x y z” and after a while “I get it, stick to what you are doing”, but there are ALWAYS caveats that separate the scenario from reality - whether its coming from

I just question the focus...modern day is VERY different, as I mentioned, we live in a society where Minute Rice takes too long to cook. Its not just about mastering the quality of your craft now, being the “best” is often not necessary, its about being the fastest - and yes my focus is music and that is a major

Meh, it was just something for legos (the whole parenting thing)...and yes hiring people in their 20s is actually a great idea (moreso local college students, we plan on possibly doing that for my wife’s children books), but it cost money to do that, a resource that may not be as readiably available in your 30s. Yes

Actually their’s was mine plus some, and it was more just meant as an example of competitiveness, its not just about effort these days, its about speed and time to develop.

Nope. Any time someone compares something from 3 decades or more ago to today, its somewhat “irrelevant” of a comparison - often times growing in irrelevancy as the gap in time increases. We simply don’t live in a society comparable to what Divinci did. Technology and social habits in general have completely flushed

Based on “my” experience i.e. what has translated, I’d say a combination of situational awareness and understanding of priorities. There are other soft skills I’d like to lump in there, they roll under it - such as presentation skills, but in hind site, it was less ability and more “knowing what was coming” and

I dunno about the highlighting thing. I think it depends on what you are highlighting and WHY you are. I typically do it for reference sake more than for focus stand point.