
Interesting way to break it down. Whether I agree or not is irrelevant, the idea of truly determining the source of failure is the most important take away here. I personally fall into the “He’s still trying to make it in music” category that everyone on Facebook has. I’ve got through enumerable failures on various

It’s not tricked, its motivation. If it was a trick, there would be hidden information, but there isn’t. “Taking that awesome trip” is an actual GOAL, and “this” is what’s necessary to do it. No smoking mirrors, nothing fancy either.

That’s not the point though. The point is to create a “carrot” to pull the horse that IS getting your money in order. Telling a 24 year old to put money into retirement won’t amount to much by itself. Telling them why they need “X” amount in savings, etc is worthless. You’ve got to make it ‘relative’, “Yo you want to

The day my son did the motion for my phone and undid it, I realized I need to “change it”, no I haven’t yet - I lied to him that I did. He hasn’t figured out the new pattern. I’d love to pair it with a watch, but as someone with big wrist, wearable tech has been a big no-no. Love the idea though.

I would hope before you move in you already have a grasp as to the other person’s social ‘structure’ if you will. Before you move in together, most likely you’ve already spent significant time at their current place - enough that the ‘mask’ has come off - so you know their social behaviors...moving in with someone

The leaves are so thin though. We typically just cut in half, olive oil, sea salt, fresh cracked pepper, and sometimes garlic powder - and roast. some of the leaves “chip up” if you will, but they are sooooo thin that they become more so just ‘texture’ for the rest.

For pretty much my entire professional life I have been paid weekly. Over the past few months I’ve been working a job that paid bi-weekly. this created a HUGE stun to my system as keeping my finances a certain level of “tight” grew. I used to check my finances monthly, now I do it it usually the day before each

I’m taking a stab it - comparing it to baking.

I randomly had a project idea, found out about the Pi Zero and started plotting cost, then, I couldn’t find the pi Zero’s anyways. I need to save up more money for parts anyways, so it’s not all bad I guess.

I did things alone out of necessity, and then when I didn’t have to do it out of necessity, I did it out of habit, then it simply became the best option at times and I’m fine doing it. Prime example - going to the movies. My wife and I have vastly different taste, though she enjoyed Deadpool, she saw it only because

I personally hate streaming. I am typically a slow adopter, very much a “get off my lawn type” of person when it comes to tech, eventually I do adopt, but my issues with streaming aren’t the tech or anything on the surface like that.

I don’t know how emulation is setup on the pii - with regards to configuration, but I know that its a pain to dynamically do joysticks with MAME, you may want to look into that.

How’s the response on the buttons? I’m accustom to controllers using rubber with some type of metal material to function as the contact, and those buttons (the little buttons), when I’ve seen them, have been very ‘clicky’ and unnatural feeling.

We do, but its not straight across, its a 90 degree corner at our sink.

Looks great, I just personally don’t think I have a good spot in my kitchen. Maybe I can make a floating one above my sink...

Bah, your right and wrong. The raise thing is a HUGE issue, but more money in doesn’t just solve the problem. It boils down to habits and living beyond your means. It is VERY easy to go over what you think your true means are in this day and age where the middle class has shrunk so much.

I think the biggest take away is the point of the question (which the formula does address, and meshes with your point) - how have you been able to cope. The strategy of correcting failure/mistakes is more important than being “problem free”. I’ve actively looked at jobs in a “Lessons Learned” angle - a year after the

Yeah, I’m sort of between everything here, my wife is actually “OK” with the idea and has been for a while now, money has just been tight due to the whole landlord thing being “sour” *oh we WILL get our money though*. I think of it as an investment, not for work, but - as mentioned - making/fixing toys, educational

you rock for that. It very much is “her” labor, but that major work shouldn’t belittle her support. It’s EXTREMELY stressful on the dad, I’m not uber-sensitive or anything, but both times, when the kid started to pop out, I started crying. My folks (the first one was before we moved away, so all our families were

That is the most annoying thing (not belittling rest of post btw, just sticks out) - the check ups were always right when everyone would reach deep sleep, as soon as that dream turned on *knock knock*, and with the room so silent, you’d think the police were doing a drug bust how loud it sounds.