
More relaxing IMO than feeling good. But I can see it.

I look at it as “6 months with no income and full bills”. I was in the process of getting my savings where they should be while paying down debts , when I lost my job. I should have been fine, but we also have a rental property with a...poor paying leaser who at the same time hit about $5k behind in payments. That

Also, Friday afternoons/evenings with nothing to worry about on Monday are arguably the second best feeling behind putting on fresh thick socks...maybe tied with briefs fresh out the dryer...

Work smarter, not more.

If you aren’t straining yourself when paying off debt, shift payments to savings/investment. You can ALWAYS have more savings...

It doesn’t take a stick a butter, but potatoes absorb what’s around them (hence soaking fries to displace some of the starch if my understanding of that part of the process is correct), This method works so well, because they are ALREADY COOKED IN THE MICROWAVE, so all you are doing is the crispy skin/browning, which

Its more art than science for the microwave, one minute per potato, but that changes with too few or too many potatoes. Your goal is for the biggest one to be mostly cooked through, if a plastic spatula can’t slice it in half moderately easy, then you don’t get the texture the article is describing (I usually do 6

I’ve been doing this for a while, ever since my mom told me you can cook a potato in the microwave, I’ve said screw cooking them any other way. I stab them all over after cleaning, put them in a circle, cook them, then since I usually do a more rustic hash brown, just put them in the pan and start “cutting” them with

yeah I told my 5 year old son that when he was eating some watermelon a week ago...

Well, my point really was that its rarely “one instance”, its closer to your little sister/brother punching you in the arm 100 times, sure it doesn’t hurt, but over time it builds up. That’s where parenting skills are “forged”, demons “exercised”, and the lines for “punishment”/”positive re-enforcement” get drawn.

It’s not that they don’t work, its just that, not only is each kid wired differently, but the source of each tantrum is often different. On Monday when I bring my daughter home from daycare and she falls out, she could be hungry and its made her irritable, or she could be tired, and that’s made her irritable, or she

I’ve got a just turned 1 and one month from 5.

didn’t know that last one *stolen*

Don’t be jealous. Those who screw up IMO LEARN and often turn around and do it better. I make no bones about it, if I hadn’t come out of college such a screw up (not from student loans, and some of it was predicated off my situation, but I still could have done better in hindsite). I don’t even have to look for, my

Just make sure that you have staggered goals. The issue we had, after we hit our big goal of buying a house we really wanted, we just ‘floated’ by. Sure we have other things that needed money (retirement & savings), but they were less ‘goals’ and more ‘ideals’. It wasn’t until we started to re-prioritize our goals

haha yeah I’m pretty much a DIYer, my lack of something has been time. But I have spent time in a group and while trying to make money on the side, doing work with/for other people who needed my studio, I’ve run into what I mentioned, heck what I’m working on at my 9-5 falls into the - the brainstorming with others

I don’t think any of the above is wrong, but it feels like its missing something - as a musician, some of the best stuff comes from the “flow”, jamming with others and exchanging ideas with others, I have far more and far quicker “eureka!s”s under that pretense. On the flipside though, I get the most solo stuff done

Yeah my setups over the year have been in the 22" range, felt more screens at that size were better than one large screen, its only because of how my workflow has changed and the software I use these days, that its changed to larger > volume. So I’m in the process of - well paying off/buying this new computer, and

ah. Yeah I literally am building a new PC now (parts are still in the box) and the one thing I didn’t buy/upgrade was my video card, been trying to figure out which way I’m going to go, I don’t game, but plan on getting at least three 34" screens which I figure would be still be taxing, but unsure if I might go beyond

Ah, engineering explains it WAY more than music. One screen still for music (ha), the three screens you mentioned, you may have excel open, and that’s 5 right there with the 6th possibly being anything from random web-pages, to scope info, to e-mail, etc. Makes way more sense than music. I still would swoon over so