
I’m a music guy myself who loves monitor, but I struggle past three at a times. If you are using say Ableton as your main DAW (one screen), maybe Reason rewired in (2) for synth use, a screen for plug-ins/VSTs (3), a screen for writing (4)...maybe a 5th for “inspiration”/web usage? All that is still stretching it

As I mentioned - as an office warrior, all you need is a plastic fork. You don’t need a blender or anything. Seriously, try it, just pour water and the mix in a container, toss a plastic fork inside, and shake. The fork breaks apart all the clumps. It’s also less of an issue if you do as instructed and do it in parts

I’m an occasional soylent user (for frame of reference). I can’t comment too much on the others, but there are a couple benefits to something like soylent that extend beyond initial cost or vitamins, again this is me speaking on behalf of soylent (which as noted is pretty cheap per serving) - it functions wonderfully

Wording is the most frustrating thing when it comes to dietary action. “All Natural”, “no Preservatives”, “Processed”, “Diet”, “Organic”, “Low Fat”, “Low Cal”, “Low Sugar” all not only fall on a completely relative scale, but they are buzz words that will catch your eye and drive your focus towards one thing and

Eh...yes and no. There is technical merit to it, but functionally that is not how you should approach it. My *personal* main creative outlet is music. Between working the full time job, taking care of kids taking care of dinner, and that’s not even touching my wife, time is typically short, so when I sit down to work

I have to ask, how is MAME emu? Arcade cabinet without MAME is a box with power going to it. I know there is a large swath of games for MAME from the super simple ‘Tempest’ to the power hungry Blitz 99', any kind of reference would be super helpful...I have a cabinet I built a year ago that I just never through a

Yep, we got a NICE write off with all the repairs we paid for (last year), its frankly made us look at this year with frustration because the delta is so huge as we are still paying off the previous year but don’t have anything major for 15 to write off. The whole writing off thing as a landlord really helped us out

Yeah, our warranty was capped, so once the expenses went past a certain point - say the dishwasher, we still ended up footing the bill, it just softened the blow.

I’d hardly call either way a certified home run as its pretty close in the scheme of things for most situations. The biggest cost delta though for me has been “things breaking”. I’m a former renter, who is now a landlord and a home owner, so I am watching it or watched it from every angle - as a renter, my cost was

As the owner of 70+ size 17 & 18 shoes, I can squarely attest to the benefits. Granted most of my collection is sneakers, a lot is not lost in translation. “Wow you have 70+ shoes”, yeah, but that’s because I ‘started’ at one point with 5 solid pairs, by rotating, they hardly ever really wear out, to compare, my

I think personal flexibility is arguably just as if not MORE important than agreeing upon these items up front, simply because of “life”. I know couples who didn’t want kids and either through a change in interest or an accident - had them. I go back and fourth every few years on grad school, with finances being the

Depends on what they do...most families I know have one ‘bread winner’ financially, not by design, it just happens. My house, my wife is a elementary school teacher and I’m a PM. I pretty much double up on her. Your point stands though, your buying power increases through marriage assuming the items in question are

I agree with this, just be careful, even with “should” you get something, you need to review your budget to make sure it is a sustainable purchase. I personally decided to take my ‘hobby I wish was a job” to the next level, and that transition requires a lot of money - that I don’t have as I was jobless for a few

I’m still trying to figure out what people do with their laptops where things like ‘plastic build’ is an issue. I understand the damage a cellphone can incur, but I’d imagine that people would be more careful with their laptops. I’ve only had one laptop ever have issues from abuse, and that’s related more to my

I’ll try it tomorrow.

My wife doesn’t do beef or pork, just things that swim and some things with wings..not buffalo though *jabs Jessica*. In all honesty I’m ground turkey’d “out”, she can’t understand why I don’t want what she does for dinner 90% of the time anymore, Meat Loaf is a prime example, nothing I’ve been able to do with Turkey

Ironically my spouse, for lack of better term “got to be my spouse” because she initially helped me out. It was I think 2006, I was trying to finally finish my first full length album. My ex from high school (96-00) contacted me for relationship advice. She came by the place and was curious what I was so focused on.

It doesn’t do ethernet, but I’m sure you can setup next to an always on computer and set that up to function as a Print Server - giving you wireless printing. I just bought it (thanks). I’ve been trying to switch to laser for a while, I’m tired of my wife’s damned coupons killing so much ink that any money saved gets

It doesn’t do ethernet, but I’m sure you can setup next to an always on computer and set that up to function as a

Well my “In progress” arcade cabinet has a touch screen - I was going to use it for navigation. This looks designed for a joystick though.

I’ve got 3. None of them are my crazy DIY projects ironically, one was for form, and the other two were function.