
How would it function with a touch screen?

As the price goes up, the count goes down. Last year my then 3 year old got LOTS and LOTS of toys due to Amazon sale pricing, This year, he’s getting maybe a handful of items...from Five Below from us. His appreciation is still to low to put out a bunch of money. My daughter who will be ten months old is getting a

That was me and ramen noodle my last year in college. Bisquick also. I made so many ramen varieties and learned to stretch the HELL out of stuff. I also made so many different things with Bisquick...hell I made brownies with them once haha.

I despise how the term “First World Problem” gets thrown around by most. It isn’t that it doesn’t have merit at time, but too often it gets used as a “pull up your bootstrap” type of comment. So because that person no longer has legs, I can’t hurt when I break my legs? That’s how I’ve internalized it after a while,

Learning to cook is just like any other activity you want to get better at. You don’t wake up and dunk on Blake Griffin, you take steps to get better. Sure you may get “in the zone” every now and then, but you’ll never live there (because when you get better, your zone ‘floor’ goes up too).

Over simplifying it - I think the two easiest path to start, as you mentioned, don’t take the bait. One of my old favorite sayings was “Smile & Nod”, it works.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Church. I came into the post just to do one of those generic clap gifs, but your post further expounds on why.

*shrug* yeah because seeing her reaction to a 2 hour movie makes me a bad person. Because as a male I didn’t ever get put through similar test *roll eyes*.

You should know someone a bit before hand, and I call it the Scarface test because that’s movie “I” use, but I also left it open to using other movies. If they share the exact same taste - great - it doesn’t create an issue, it just breaks the effectiveness of the test. My favorite date of all time LOVED

Nah, the expectation is a lack of interest. The goal should BE something that requires back and fourth. It’s GREAT when the stars line-up, but its worked well with regards to testing compromise and working together. A movie like Scarface is very decisive - it illicits strong emotions - either of interest or

I can see the logic in it. I had a simple test when I was ‘hunting’ if you will. I called it the ‘Scarface Test’. It was pretty simple. Invite woman with possible “exclusivity rights” over for a night, NOTHING fancy, like don’t cook up stuff like you’re trying to ‘Netflix & Chill’, maybe order take out or somethingn

Here’s my thing though, the article seems focused on sports or physical activities that are ‘just’ physical with maybe low mental strain (like running where mental energy is mostly on pacing). It says nothing about focus, decision making, and accuracy. Low sleep, my bowling (duck pin) went down. Basketball? It varies

I’m right there, my last job was super stressful, this one is the polar opposite. I find myself on the line of ‘pining’ for the old days. I’m just programmed at this point to be a high output productivity machine, and not doing so automatically makes me nervous of being let go...so I’m constantly working in fear now,

Its terrific, not expensive, can be idealistically grown, helps create a routine (for everyone frankly), doesn’t take up much room at all, etc. I wish I could make a grown man version for myself, but I dont’ want to iron everything out that morning. Maybe I can make a ‘hanging’ variant.

...why would you come to work wearing your job interview clothes (-_-)‘ am I missing something? Iron out that morning, and find a place to change.

My oldest is 4 for reference.

First thing I saw was the rabbit...that’s a good start...

I’m a gas griller. When I first started, when I got flare ups I thought I was supposed to get them to add some char to the meat. Learned I was wrong haha. Now that I have a much firmer grasp of grilling I do two things if I have a flare up and do some things to PREVENT them.

I use foil/onion. I have a small bowl, pour some oil in it and will either ball up some foil, sit it in there to ‘soak’/’absorb’ oil into the cracks and creases and then with a pair of tongs, go over all the grates once or twice. Helps clean the grill off and coats it. I will do the same thing with half of a small