
I usually am using black beans, but I imagine the formula isn’t too different (Tortilla soup).

I’ll try this. I typically rinse by cutting the lid off and just pouring water in, cupping my hand to let some beans out (and subsequently water in), cover with hand and shake, then do this several times until the beans stop ‘bleeding’ whatever color concoction they were stored in.

This doesn’t surprise me. When I go “brain dead”, I’m usually kaput for a substantial amount of time, yet a bunch of smaller breaks before I reach that point, usually keep me moving better. Its logical.

I think the biggest thing is “does this matter”. It wasn’t till I was a PM that was overloaded with work due to the situation, that I had to just ‘stop’ doing somethings because ‘they didn’t “really” matter. That came home with me - so now I try and stop myself to see how much it really matters. This goes beyond petty

I just want to second the landlord thing. Getting it legally setup can be a pain in the butt depending on situation (we are renting out a townhouse...stupid HoA has done nothing but be a thorn in our side). Maintenance actually isn’t too bad, especially if you do a good job on inspections. What sucks?

I don’t do cutlets, but as someone with a large grill and who’s trying to eat healthy...

I’m sort of in the middle of it. If I ‘can’ throw money at something, just because of how valuable my free time is...I will, BUT BUT BUT, I typically start down the DIY/creative solution path first to see if it makes as much or more sense to buying things out right. Sometimes I’ll proceed with a cheap DIY or frugal

I’ve been pro iPad since G1, but they’ve lost me at this point. So slow to adopt, and still missing things that would make it TRULY useful to me. I make music and that’s what I wanted it for. The multi tasking will make this infinitely better (if the processor can keep up), but I STILL have to buy an expensive @$$

I think the conversation should start with debt and budget. By the time we were married, outside of my car *which I bought a couple months prior*, I was 100% debt free. MY wife...eh. Huge CC bill and Student Loans from going back to school to get Masters on top of her existing Student Loan, that she couldn’t kill

I was a personal trainer when I was younger (and in shape). What I see as the ‘point’ of a PT these days? Focus. Working out by yourself, its easy to start losing form, its easy to get distracted - taking a picture of yourself instead of keeping your heart rate up, etc. They pin point what you need to work on that

Computer Science...no, not just computer science, but basic engineering principles are for the most part ignored unless you are in a specialized program (sci & tech) like I was. Both require a way of thinking that is different from the typical way of approaching things. Engineering is about problem solving and

It’s not truly flawed, but more an exception. Honestly, the way phones are these days, you might actually be better off just biting the bullet and buying a super cheap phone when yours dies, instead of resurrecting an oldie but goodie.

I just want to testify that its the updates that kill the phone. Heck it happened with my G1 iPad, but it killed my iPhone4 too.

I really like the point of this article *kudos*. I’ve mentioned it before in other post, but I have a friend who will buy and sell his phone sometimes a couple times a year. It seems like he’s had every Samsung phone at this point. On the other hand, my Note 4 marks only my ‘second’ smartphone, behind the iPhone4.

You’ll still need some kind of amp if trying to replace a head-unit, but you could do some magic with it.

Oh man, remember TVs in the headrest? Time to flip it on’em and put Raspberry Pis in the headrest...hell put one in the dash too...

I just HAD to cosign “your new approach”. I can’t DESCRIBE how annoying even my best friends are about weight loss. The guy who’s been a rail his whole life should NOT without request question or downplay the guy who’s been heavy his whole life. I post on social media my frustration with how top heavy fast food salad

I remember before SF4 when if you wanted an arcade stick you had to gut a controller to make your own. I got used to opening up 1st and 3rd party controllers. 3rd party were so much easier to open and mod, they typically didn’t stick to the same stringent guidelines that say Sega would do for the Dreamcast or Sony for

I’ve got one issue, I read a post a week ago about ‘stop eating iceberg lettuce!’, and it illicited the same emotion from me. Stop it.

Or you drill slightly crooked and because of thinness of material, start to poke through on the side or still cause a split when screwing...