
Thanks, that sounds about the direction I decided to go down. Slight derail, but with a purpose, my wife doesn't have a real 'goal' in life so to speak, she just lives each day, while I am EXTRAORDINARILY goal oriented, so we have a lot of clashes in priorities and the such, even when I try to motivate her to do

Yes & no. What I've seen with my own eyes is real success, breeds success. Those who are poor and surrounded by the poor, don't learn how to pull themselves out of it or 'get rich' really, on the flipside, those born with money, tend to know how it is made, how to make it, how to manage it (to a degree), etc. I was

Ugh...I dunno...at least when I did Salary.com, it was a bit...inaccurate. However, I admit that some of that error was tied to the company I was with, low-balling more than other companies (which is why they had high turnover in engineering). If you are negotiating a 'raise', you'll have to get a clearer picture of

Ironically, that's what killed my use of the spreadsheet - my wife. I get paid every week, she got paid every month. I built the spreadsheet so I understood the granular nature of it, she just got confused. We ended up (and we do it at least once a year) doing a new sheet from scratch - together.

This is a weird topic for me, my folks actually paid for college for me. HOWEVER, when my GF at the time, now wife, decided "hey I have to get continuing education classes anyway, lets get my masters!", well - her debt became mine.

Control and understanding are EVERYTHING. They key to my cleaning up my finances out of college (mostly consumer driven honestly) was frankly excel.

My backlog is just dumb/ridiculous. I don't think I will be able to punch through my collection due to time (I don't get time to play my newer stuff much anymore, its just life), but I REALLY like the idea of listing it. This goes 2-fold for games on portable devices, where I buy them up with plans on using them

I'm a work in progress. Been in progress for years though, so while I maintain success in spurts, I'm NO where were I should be. With that said, I do the fist rule when I need to be mindful of portions. My stomach is roughly the size of my fist. If my stomach has to stretch a ton to hold the food I'm eating, then

Still wish I had time to do my own project, I want a touch screen jukebox, figured this plus a USB drive source would be GREAT for it.

No, he goes outside to smoke, I just gag as I've never really been around a smoker.

Good timing on a personal level for an article like this, but I still don't feel as though I know how to approach the situation, especially with other recent nuances. My Father-In-Law (FIL) is a heavy smoker and drinker. I knew he did both, but never understood to what extent. He had a falling out with his landlord

It's better for endurance training, which is why it may feel that way. Football training? How much weight can I get on here and do a few reps? Basketball training, what weight can I use to get 30 (arbitrary number) reps. You naturally go faster with the smaller weights, which if done right IS great, part of the

I do NOT like this idea. By no means am I trying to discredit the concept, but 90% of people you see in the gym, can't maintain proper form going a regular pace, even using lighter weights and going at a faster pace, I just see people getting even MORE sloppy, and due to repetition, it can cause even more harm, and

The MOST important thing mentioned IMO is when looking for the current price, check 1) what prices have sold and 2) at what frequency. so many times I've talked to folks who say they saw item 'X' on eBay at '$???.??', like say some new Jordans, but those have been up there for MONTHS untouched.

I'm in a 'safe' area when it comes to impulse buys, I have enough control 'now' to do impulse buys that would be deemed "OK" and not damaging to my situation. I find that the biggest contributor to impulse buying is "ease". When I can click the "Paypal" button, and it loads up my address and payment options, and all

I was actually planning on building it to some MDF, but after looking at other builds like that, I read about hearing whizzes (most likely the hdd) and other sounds that the case usually absorbs (or gets eaten up by the air flow noise), so I scratched that idea despite liking it. Moving the PC out the room is not

Same boat myself. I actually periodically 'black out' at work as a creative storm strikes me and shuts down all external functions as I start writing in a notebook, or typing up ideas. Such a gift and curse. What I will say with music and other "hard to make money"/"justify the time cost" endeavors, you NEED people

Sorry for your loss. Gunning for a quiet PC has been a HUGE focus for me as my computer is in the same room I do my music production and vocals in. Recording practices and experience have for the most part 'killed' hearing the miniature jet in the background of vocals, but as I aim higher and higher in sound

Speak-up Speak-up Speak-up. Again, my position maybe a bit perverse as I had been trying to push my way from low/mid-management to straight project manager, so speaking up is a BIG part of the job description (can't be a timid leader), but that really is key. Unless you speak up at the start and through out (you

Yeah, my work load was ALWAYS heavier than everyone around me as the 'glue' to situations. It ironically made me even BETTER at it haha. Fortunately for myself, my goal was management, so being a bit forceful and demanding actually looked GOOD for me.