
It depends on what you do for a living, but the crux of it is 'move'/'leave'. For me, I stayed in the same company but changed offices, from there I had the reputation of being good that I brought with me, but was able to show a renewed focus towards my actual goals. The other method (which I'm going through now

This is one of the more accurate articles I've read in a while (no shade to other articles, this one just rings like 99% true). I find the two biggest perks of being a Jack are knowing how to learn (I learned French as a kid, and learned C++, now I know how to learn a foreign language and how to program in most

Get a freezer bag, and put in it some essential seasonings, salt/pepper/paprika/etc. Note you can also get those for DIRT cheap at places like Walmart. Don't double up on oil, buy bacon to cook the first day (because you are GOING to make bacon on vacation), and save all the bacon fat/oil, then just reuse this for

Yeah, this is a resounding NO in my book. The LAST thing I want is to get hit with the stresses of work before I'm trying to go to bed. If that is a concern, then I'd rather get up a bit early on Monday, and check my e-mails at home, so I can plan my 'counter attacks' or 'courses of action' on my drive into work.

I believe that's the boat we are in. It's been one of those "we can't do anything about it this second" (just had a baby, so not a focus, but I believe it was only 3 years for us), so it was discussed when setting up our mortgage. My wife dug more into that detail (which is why I am admittedly hazy on it), while I

Agreed, but PMI can go to HELL. We are hoping to jump out of PMI towards the end of this year/early next year. When we got our house last year, there was a huge issue with permitting where the last owner hadn't gotten the finished basement permitted, so technically it wasn't part of the value of the house (shaved

The most important thing that is only taught through osmosis is money. Management, investing it, saving it, spending it, earning it, maximizing it, getting taxed on it, charging for it/interest...ALL of those things are typically negated short of 'seeing what your folks do in front of you'. Similar to politics,

Terrific! I bought a legal copy of Win7 (twas my first step towards going 100% legit), but lost my disc during one of my moves. I still have the number for it. Well of course my computer had an issue and I needed/wanted to do a clean install, but could only find a bootleg disc, so I have a legit license with a

How to hit lotto...and GO!

Yeah, I think that would be a bit more 'useful', anyone will to shell out $500 plus on software, already has a firm grasp on the pros and cons (I know from buying music software), so this lends itself a bit more to someone like myself, trying to get into making music videos, struggling to find a cheap option for

Please please please do NOT combine you bank accounts. Start a new account at an agreed upon institution, and funnel money in as needed for strictly budgetary purposes. Do NOT even set yourself up for failure by lumping it all together. The issues it creates may seem small at first, but can quickly escalate and

You'll have to google it, the one my wife used, apparently closed up, but a google search on the idea will yield other similar (often local) avenues that do the same thing.

We just had our second kid on Monday, well early Tuesday. We've gone through a lot of it. What I'll say though is the heaviest weighted thing is money. I'm not going to vent about my frustrations with child-care cost, but a long term plan/budget needs to be put into place. This was easier the second time as we

Coming out of school, I had a lot of self-inflicted, non-student loan debt to pay off. I did sort of a combination myself, though it was less about motivation and more about a combination of deals, and trying to condense payments to a single source. I had several people/cards/groups I owed money too, :Household

This is close to my heart. I bought my car, my "I made it into adulthood successfully" car about a month before I found out I had an unplanned kid on the way. Early on, between throw up, formula *ugh*, etc, the back of my car was a COMPLETE mess, and I took PRIDE in how clean I used to keep my whip. I'ts become a

I'd recommend that unless its a RIDICULOUS sale that research shows won't be matched, then just put that money into a savings pot. Then when the time comes, go HAM. The move to NY, you kleave all those purchases as liquid money, and you can buy what 'actually' works.

I WISH! But I've been a heavy driver ever since I graduated from high school, in the DC area no less. Heck, even in college I drove the bus for side money. My current car is 2010 Acura TL with 120k on it, and for a solid year, my commute was only 2-3 miles to work, so most of that was from 10-13.

Posted before they announced the trial.

How does the rot stuff affect surrounding plant life? We bought a house a little over a year ago, and the front has a nice garden area along the driveway, but slam in the middle is a stump, only a few inches above ground. I want it gone and its on my 'honey-do' list, if I can toss some chemicals and just forget

Haha, I was at 100k in under 4 years...way to make me feel bad :p