
I agree with the premise, but I find there are only a few places where it truly rears its head. Used car loans - with a new car, unless you are a super high mileage guy like I was, the car should last you 6+ years, so most loans for a new car, this isn't an issue, but with used cars you can quickly bury your head in

This is an interesting topic - I actually have a kid coming any time now (wife is actually having contractions now, so literally anytime now). We are using a second hand seat with this one as our seat from our first kid got molded out in storage (long story that will just irritate me). I have to wonder about the

Yeah, while not a big deal, a lot of those 2-minute things happen in the middle of something you can't stop (like a meeting, though e-mails aren't an issue at least). For me personally though, I have 'few' items that fall into the ten minute threshold (not discounting method). Most of the time, my to do list is

When I moved into a PM position last year, I got the point where I was receiving over 200 e-mails a days. I stressed my self out trying to get back to 'Inbox Zero', and then one day I 'gave up' - arriving at the point the article discusses. I just flat out started ignoring e-mails. It caused some heartache

I don't have all the time in the world to read the whole article (taking an excel break at work honestly - my eyes hurt haha), but this is an important subject to me - I'm a large black guy - 6'6 - who on the surface could fit a lot of stereotypes - to the point that I purposely hide them "Yeah I was just listening to

The one caveat is to check the color, some combinations like red and green peppers make a 'bowel-movement' shade soup. With that said, Red peppers are awesome and don't be afraid to mix in canned veggies if you feel short. Dumping in some corn (not a ton) is great for texture, or blending it can add a natural

This is a good one. I've been using a triple monitor setup for music purposes for the past couple of years now. I kept my biggest display vertical, while my dual ASUSs were horizontal. This let me get the most out of the Reason layouts and Rewiring it with other programs. Frankly its great for webpages and big

To "Me" Lifehacker" is about brainstorming. That I can think of, there is only ONE thing I've picked up from this website that I do 'religiously' if you will, and that is I have an alarm set to go off at 4:00 PM, to signify that I need to get things that need to be done today - DONE. That's it. does that mean I've

Moving is the best time to declutter, even when moving into a bigger area, its a good time to re-evaluate your actual interest in some of your belongings.

I used to be a huge pack rat. Once I graduated from college I started an 'apartment tour', moving every year for a good 4-5 years, on top of my relocations in apartments while still in school. During that process where I did all the work myself 95% of the time, I started adopting a "do I feel like moving this"

z0mg...FINALLY. I'll be their week 2 after I read a couple reviews verifying service performance. Ironically, the channels listed are the channels I want. I can get my basketball, my boy can get cartoons, and my wife and I can watch our food network, where we can pretend that something looks good even though we

It really comes down to - what tools and materials do you currently have, and what does a GOOD job require. I save un-used material from my projects, so when I decided to build an arcade unit - I actually had almost all the MDF I needed - even in different thicknesses. I think I spent about $4 in wood. I've

I just wanted to say that while I only got to quickly browse through the article, everything that I read was SPOT on. I had absolutely NO charisma when I was younger. I was quiet except around my close friends, very guarded and timid in conversation, etc. Eventually, while trying to develop a 'defense' for being

Yeah, mine started out as a bartop, but alas, I don' have a bar, and the area I WAS going to put it turned into an internet in the kitchen desk, so it just evolved into a "mini-cab". But yeah, cocktail tables have a myrad of issues - starting with getting thick enough acrylic or glass to use as a cover, and when

Don't do cocktail. Don't do a full arcade either. Go in the middle. Cocktails are at bad viewing angles and don't lend themselves well to multiplayer. You get the bonus of a 'table top', but you won't want to scratch it up after doing so much work. Full sized cabinets were designed with 'taking a beating' in

We've got a G1 iPad that is never touched, because its a G1 with like 256 MB of RAM so it hardly works, and we have the iPad Air. I'd wager the Air gets a couple to a few hours of use a day. Between gaming (marvel puzzle quest), being freeier than being tied down to a laptop or a PC, the ability to move it from room

The last part is THE most important part of the article, its what people don't get sometimes. It doesn't matter how bad you want to do something, you NEED to recover. When I finished my first album (rap) back in 07, I didn't want to do ANYTHING for a good month. I was working a highly stressful job, and while music

BJ's is similar to Costco, but they take coupons. With that in mind, if you have coupons/do your research, diapers are actually good to get there, but ONLY with coupons. Outside of coupons, this list holds up. The only time condiments are worth it to get are if you find like a picnic pack that does

It's become more organic, but it was birthed from income. It was 'I make 70% of our income and she makes 30%', so I paid 70% of the bills while she carried 30%. Or whatever the percentage was. It's extremely simple, but covers a lot of complex situations. On one hand, yes I'm paying way more on bills than she is,

Question though, when you do something such as Bill pay, doesn't that count as borrowing 'money' instead of purchases so you get the incredibly stupid APR%? While you aren't sitting on it for long, that I've seen APR accrues daily, so you are paying interest on all your bills. Sure you could date it for payment when