
I'm a bit old school and still don't like 'more'. I'm from when you deleted icons off your desktop to save memory, so anytime I see 'additional' stuff added to say the Start Menu - it worries me. But I digress. I'm just at a loss for the name. Is there some marketing 'plus' to using '10' instead of 9? I was

I think its called negronni...only use the big spherical ice cubes, it greatly affects the taste - its not just presentation.

I'm not really a whiskey drinker (not much of a drinker in general, I prefer making drinks), but sometimes you can sort of 'open up' a whiskey with a little water. Not much, just a little.

I'm on the fence a bit on this list. I agree about whiskey stones and the ilk, I have a similar spoon shaped product for wine, but it's admittedly not to 'chill' the wine but bring the temperature inline with where it should be. However, the TV and in-car thing aren't so simple.

I would want to make the same mistakes I made as I think they have helped to mold me to where I am now. Instead of fixing past mistakes, I'd worry more about the future. I'd force myself to save more once I did get out the debt hole of college mistakes. I would have made myself get into investing a little bit,

I'm torn on this. On one hand, I PERFECTLY understand the issue at hand, it happens to me everyday at work with chrome; the internet is a rabbit hole. On the other hand, my phone (and maybe because I'm still on 3G), I really only use for when I need information. I don't 'browse' on it. It's an iPhone4 actually, so

This is something I struggle with, so I have to drop a couple pennies on the subject.


As someone who dislikes his job, there is something missing from the equation - ENERGY. It takes energy to excel at work, come home and to have a good home life - takes energy, where is it replenished? Sleeping? Not enough time

Sad to say it's pretty accurate, while I'm a bit of a 'Thrill Seeker' - I'm way more Avoider than I would like (horrible trait for a Project Manager). That 'fatigue' is so real for me, my wife and I get into fights all the time as I get home and don't 'care' about dinner and don't feel like picking something, small

Sort of where I am. I'm slightly above the tipping point in NC, but my wife is well below it, so I'm thinking I should 'average out' our household income to compare against the chart. Doing that I'd actually disagree with the chart a bit, though I understand that some things like kids will offset earnings - AND as

Since moving into our house, we've been looking at doing something like this. I'd just recommend that any hooks you drill in the wall, make sure to use some sort of drywall anchors for them, things like leather coats can get REAL heavy even if they don't seem that way, and while it maybe fine at first, over time you

I saw a clip where some people put wood on the rack that sometimes goes under the carts and cooked meat at the bottom. But aren't those 'coated'? Has anyone ever checked whether or not it could be potentially harmful to ingest? Also, those carts get FILTHY, I'd need to scrub it down so much before hand, that I'm

I see one glaring issue with this, as a PM for a large elec contractor, I get burdened with lots and lots and lots of 'small' task that seem unimportant, but can easily snowball and blow up in my face if not taken care. I don't disagree with the overall concept, but there needs to be a 'factor' put in for the 'two

It's because just like real TV, you won't care about most of them. There is a friggin "Myrtle Beach" Channel that is nothing but an infomercial for the area. And no it's not useful haha.

It's because just like real TV, you won't care about most of them. There is a friggin "Myrtle Beach" Channel that

I've been renting for a decade and change and finally bought a house Dec 31 *go me*. While going through the process of buying the house, not even that, FINDING the house, the one thing that constantly came up was 'buying a starter home' vs 'buying the house you plan to live in till your old and decrepit'. It seemed

Pretty much this. Have any of you truly looked at buying used cars and looked at the mileage on them? The curve of the cost actually doesn't even care about brands much after a while. You want a $5k car? It's GOING to have 100k miles on it. IT can be a Civic, 100k. It can be an accord, 100k, It can be an acura,

1/10th? You've got to be joking. I can understand looking at it like that when your pockets are touching, but that's not even mildly realistic. I've looked at cars that would fall into the price range less than 10k, and unless you are pretty m8uch getting a POS, you're getting a SUPER HIGH mileage vehicle that's