
If we're all supposed to honor and respect you for being big strong men willing to take a bullet to enforce the law and protect the public, maybe you shouldn't undercut that by being hysterically overreactive crybabies about the slightest implication that maybe somebody in your ranks is doing a shitty job?

"So, Commissioner Goodell, would you say that this issue entirely boils down to semantics?"

This "treatment" is written with the endearing, breathless enthusiasm of a teenager who just saw boobs for the first time.

Now playing

Come for the catch. Stay for the obscure pelota reference from Al Michaels.

All of of the examples look silly BUT when you realize that they are just variants of counting back change.

If you look at the article, it talks about learning SEVERAL different ways of solving an issue and this is one way to approach a problem (not the only way).

This technique has a very real-life use.

Fast food

No, chris-sjbmx has a point. I understand you might be coming from the right place, but it's beyond 'agency'.

it's called code switching, asshat. read a book.

How many other American heroes' deaths are you waiting to celebrate?

I'm taking Dockett #1 in my mock draft.

You identified a problem, showed difficulties in overcoming the problem, and proposed a solution. This is the greatest comment in the history of Deadspin soccer posts.

The biggest problem with developing US Talent is college soccer programs. The NCAA puts limits on practice time and games that hamper development, so the average 22 year old US player is on the whole behind his equivalent in other countries.

Rams' defense had given up a touchdown to Seattle's offense each of its last 2 drive. Yes the fake punt was risky, but Rams' coaching staff knew their defense wouldn't be able to prevent Seattle from scoring another touchdown. Credit the Rams' coaching staff for having the balls to call the fake punt in that situation.

I feel like it would add a bunch of consistency to the playoff format as well. You have your 4 regional power conferences of 10/12 teams each. Conference Champ goes to the playoff for national champion. Bottom 2-3 teams in each conference are relegated to the lower regional conference and the top 2-3 from that

Fuck the haters. God I love the south.

According to Vox, the guy in the picture has his hands up in a nod to Ferguson.

Kids are taught not to tackle someone who appears to be defenseless. The scheme of this play was to basically exploit that. So next time the QB hears the whistle blow on a false start and stops playing, he will get blown up by someone who thinks it's a trick. Well done coach, well done.

Remember kids, if the QB innocently asks the ref for a new ball because the laces have fallen off, viciously attack him.

This seems like a lot of words to say "He has some positive attributes but I don't like Bill Simmons' attitude, writing voice or lack of editing, oh and that's what you get when you call out your employer's bullshit." Even though he's absolutely right about this situation.

Well, outside of being the "never satisfied eagles fan", you have a point. If this is "worse" than running backwards into the endzone and actively taunting the team you're playing (which, for the record, I found to be hilarious), then something is wrong. Just allow the goddamn TD celebrations.