The most likely group in society to be the victims of violence or murder. Not really a good joke is it?
The most likely group in society to be the victims of violence or murder. Not really a good joke is it?
That'd be odd, considering that about 54% of Atlanta's population is black, and that the city has long been considered a black mecca.
if only there was a 5th non-news cable network to air your particular brand of non-news.
No, it's always better for you to have the money you should be paid. If you can't handle your finances, maybe you should learn how to do that. But either way, it's better than for mommy gov't to hold on to your money for you like you're 5.
Last year I walked into HR and changed my W2 to take a couple extra deductions. This gave me $58 per check extra. I put that money in savings just in case it would cause me to owe ... instead of the usual >$1500 refund we only got about a hundred bucks (and I had over 1500 in the bank). So now I know how much I have…
As a professor of criminal justice who studies police violence, this is neither uncommon nor will result in any punishment for the officer despite being both illegal and (I can guarantee) against department policy as well. There's some commenter lurking around here claiming that the officer was responsible for…
So if you're curious, maybe stop her and ask her where she's going. She and her friends were clearly calmly walking along the sidewalk. This presumption that a one hundred pound girl needs to be laid out for officer safety, rather than pointed in the right direction, is terrifying to me.
There's no bet for lack of consideration. I thought it was just lawyers on here.
Every time I see him mentioned on Jezebel I think you're talking about former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. This usually leaves me confused for several seconds before I figure it out.
No opinion on the merits of the lawsuit, but I'm just going to leave this here for everyone who thinks they've come up with a hilarious joke about Ms. Jonsson's appearance and/or genitals.
But you're still disrespecting her identity. First calling her a guy, and now saying what she lives is a fantasy. It's not. Genders and Sexuality aren't black and white in terms of biology. In nature as a whole it varies greatly in many many degrees.
Calling her a "guy"'s pretty disrespectful. The law says she is a woman, man. Cmon. Don't be an idiot.
You're making a very tricky assumption here: that no other teams debut equipment at the Olympics. You can't support an assertion that "it's flatly unconscionable and stupid" to debut new equipment unless you can demonstrate that the practice has a track record of failure. It's also quite possible that other teams, in…
I agree with your statement that no one should have to put up with this type of shit. I really do. But I agree with the OP that this should be put in context with other locker rooms. It's behavior that needs to be addressed and fixed, but to act like this is the only locker room that acts this way is ridiculous.
I went…
Especially as Russia and Korea share a border. I have a Russian friend with very Asian features - I had no reason to believe Victor An wasn't a born and raised Russian citizen until I read this story, and I agree, the sentence was off putting.
Much like the Deadspin story about putting toilet paper in a wastebasket,…
"First, um no, that is a terrible false equivalency."
Why would we boycott them? So Russia can hide its discrimination?
So if you have a plan, some ID and the moxie to lie you can get around security and get close to areas where you could do some damage to the public, all without the help of anyone else much less the help of the government.
Your guide to telling if a Vegas story is bullshit: if someone says Vegas was offering a bet at 1,000,000-1, it's bullshit.