((( "Will.i.am, a man of many talents. He has a Grammy." )))
((( "Will.i.am, a man of many talents. He has a Grammy." )))
The very fact that all of these pictures were taken with the iPhone lying on a rough stone surface tells me everything I need to know about what the author defines as "normal use."
For the iPhone, my favorites are SoundHound (for figuring out what song is playing on the radio), and Guitar Toolkit (guitar tuner, metronome, and chord charts). For both the iPhone and iPad, Apple's Remote app (for controlling iTunes and Apple TV) and AmpliTube (effects processor and digital recorder). For just the…
((( "as soon as your glass & aluminum tablet falls to the ground it will break as any other Iphone/Ipad." )))
The second-biggest drawer should be 340mm squared, not 320.
((( "TSMC have problems meeting current client's demands, and now Apple will be using them too? Good luck with that..." )))
((( "I'm pretty sure apple needs samsung more than samsung needs apple." )))
This Is Officially the Dumbest Article Gizmodo Has Ever Come Up With
I like the stitching. In fact, I wish Apple would ensconce all of OS X in faux leather trim so that Sam's head would explode, and we'd be spared more whiny articles like this one from the self-appointed arbiter of cool.
I know it's a temptation to get a kid a "kid-sized" instrument, and it can make some sense in the case of, say, a 3/4 cello, but no kid should be learning the piano on a severely truncated keyboard with less than full-sized keys. I've seen three-year-olds play Chopin (prodigies, but still), so it's not like a real…
((( "click on the link and you are told that they are "Out of Stock" on this offer. Out of stock?" )))
The Magic Mouse is great; I absolutely love mine. Apple doesn't sell a version for the PC, but they did make a PC driver for it that runs in Boot Camp which can be extracted and installed on a standard PC (Google is your friend).
No one on the other side who posts that quote understands the difference between an idea and the implementation of an idea. Not one.