
I have a friend with 80 year old parents. His dad gave these people 400k of his retirement money - not millionaires I might add. He believed the guy was going to give him the big payout all the way up to the point where he is standing in the bank in NYC where the “banker” worked that he came to meet. He broke down in

You don’t remember anyone protesting the last President? Really? Have you had a stroke recently?

At least robo Trump stays on script.

Honestly, huge thanks to that guy for being the voice of rage that most of us have dwelling in our hearts. Bless him, and keep on resisting, my friend.

Guy gave away free BBQ to firefighters on CA fighting those wildfires with brutal, long lasting shifts. He seems like a genuinely nice person, that comedian had it right.

Poor Robo-Trump. It’s not his fault he is a doppelganger of what can only be described as “Sentient Human Trash.”

Also, can we (meaning all of us established readers) be more responsible about the trolls? Do not reply to them! That lifts them out of the greys. Leave them in the mud where they belong!

who cares about your workout routine? no one cares... why do you think thats important tell us this? you conceited, narcissistic, psychopath....

Imagine being such a piece of shit that you consider a story about a young woman activist with two kids having 2 heart attacks by 27 as an opportunity to brag about your own personal fitness. Oh wait, I don’t need to imagine this. You are that piece of shit. Enjoy your supposed good health, you fucking rancid turd.

Your mother should have scraped you out with a coat hanger.

No one gives a shit about what you say you do on a daily basis.

Schreier, no! Don’t buy a pre-built machine!

Get yourself a buddy who’s built a machine before (or do it yourself if you’re feeling brave), head over to Newegg or another parts wholesaler, and part out your desired rig.

You’ll save at least 40% (and likely more) off purchasing a pre-built machine, and you’ll have the

“Women are often dismissed from emergency rooms only to die within hours of an undiagnosed heart attack since symptoms are often atypical.”

It’s worth mentioning, here, that the medical profession often still ignores women with serious heart issues. Estrogen is protective against a certain type of cardiovascular disease, yes, but women are more likely than men to suffer congenital heart defects (jinni has a couple).

27 years old and already suffered TWO heart attacks...

Sending much love and strength and positive vibes to Erica. I want her to make it.

How is that even a coin anymore? What the hell is it even supposed to be now?

Look - fuck all Trump supporters, for real.

Thank you for this gift.

Remember Nintendo Power?