Literally anyone could have written that false information. Your sources are suspect.
Literally anyone could have written that false information. Your sources are suspect.
Yes, because those people aren’t giving millions of dollars to politicians. Who cares what anyone wants in this country. This country is bought and paid for by the big corporations and is horribly corrupt.
It’s long-term thinking on the part of the GOP. Imagine a world where Fox News and Breitbart are the only sites you can view on the “basic internet” services plan bundled with your Comcast service agreement.
I grew up in Alabama, and I agree. Abortion being THE issue at the ballots was preached from my family and from the pulpit, and it took moving out of the state to reverse the brainwashing. It was framed as, if you voted for a pro-choice candidate you were the problem. Nothing is more important in Southern politics…
I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other…
Aww, I thought this was going to be a lot more interesting. Like a guy actually did all the work to create branding, hired actors, staged a storefront for a day, etc. just to establish credibility. And then actually pulled it off, until some developer happened to catch them in a lie or was local to the area and knew…
I have a sneaking suspicion that the OP might be under 21. :P
This comment is, um, out there. This does not remotely resemble Communism. This wouldn’t prohibit you from buying your kid a game with loot boxes, it would only prohibit your kid from buying a game with loot boxes without your knowledge. And he’s a state rep, not in Washington, so unless you’re in Hawaii, then “this…
Is there anything white people aren’t upset over? We are whiniest people on the planet.
Can we just give Nick Offerman the lead role in a Teddy Roosevelt movie already? He’s the only one manly enough to play the Manliest President.
Who made this and what did they do with the real Capcom? And could they do the same with Konami, please?
I instantly thought to myself “Dear God it looks so much better than Mighty No. 9"
Usually there’s a lot more artwork posted for a featured artist. Maybe people think the page isn’t loading right.
Or, is it possible that people might actually care what she has to say about Animal Crossing, and that by spending as much as she did she pushed the game to its limits, attempting to force out any hidden redeemable moments, and in acknowledging that it lacked any, finished her review with a genuinely humorous…
To be fair, $120 to her is likely equivalent to the $0.10 I found behind the couch cushion this morning.
but mostly unknown to readers
Maybe you’re not at the right place to put up a post complaining about excessive advertising?
Since we’re talking about things that suck and no one should have to watch...
sure, these are hypothetical, but they’re based on what internet providers have already done even with some regulation. waiting and hoping is a dangerous move if you’re worried about this issue