
I am so excited about this. We always have Democrats but our last mayor was just another good ol’ boy. Cantrell has been my city council rep for years and she always did a great job. I think we would have been in fine hands with Charbonnet, but Cantrell is definitely the more progressive of the two.


This is a loooooong time comin, nola. Congrats.

This is great. Change starts in our cities.

I was all set for Dril to turn out to be famous actor Jack Nicholson.

if the internet doxxes dril i will face god and walk backward into hell

Futon in the living room which he rolls up during the day. Pretty traditional Japanese way of sleeping.

AV Club should have a section just for parents. And not just something that talks about how horrible kids’ entertainment is.

You can get a new house in the less central districts of Tokyo, such as Edogawa, starting at under $300k. They’re typically around 70-80m² (750-860ft²) divided to two to three stories. Keep in mind, though, that the lot they stand on is usually barely bigger than the house, itself — don’t dream of having a yard in

The funny thing is, you can actually buy a house in Tokyo at a perfectly decent price. These apartments are for crazy people who are poor, but still want to live smack middle of the most expensive districts.

what about Saitama’s apartment?

You are spot on, I lived in a city with an EA office that was there just for QA contract work and I met so many people who would tell me they worked for EA and then when I asked what they did it came out that they were QA contractors. This is like saying you work for Warren Buffet if you work for the company that

No and I don’t think many people believe that anyone should threaten anyone either.

My analysis: Got QA work at EA, thought it’d be fun and harmless (and possibly initiative-showing for bigger opportunities) to act as some sort of rep for the company with only a kernal of truth to his credentials of being “dev,” went with it, saw an opportunity with the BG2 hubbub, thoughtlessly said what everyone

A great example for the d-bags who like to say “Kotaku is just clickbait.” Good stuff.

That awesome moment someone on a video game blog is a better investigative journalist this half the media in the nation. Anyway, I believe he is lying(it’s obvious) but I don’t say that to be mean to him. I wonder what was his reason for doing something like this? It seems very strange. I hope this gets an update.

I’m not sure “gay people can’t help being predators” is the best defense to go with here.

I think this is the first one of these that specifically really bothers me, in that I expected better out of George than this. The rest of them bother me in the general sense, of course, but none of those harassers and assaulters were people I particularly looked up to on any sort of personal level.

One of the unpleasant truths about nerds is that while they have historically been looked down upon, they themselves still feel the need to have another group they perceive as below themselves to look down on. “Sure, I might geek out and play games with all my free time... but at least I’m not those people.” And