
Can most of the male writers on this site not write articles that sound like you’re all fucking sneering at your keyboards when you have to talk about something/one/etc that you’re not exactly 100% fans of?

Now he has more free time to get punched in the face by me

this isn’t a remake, it’s a remaster. just like the remaster of Perfect Dark.

I sincerely think you need to take a long, hard look at yourself for even thinking that (and for still actually saying it, which you did just in a less honest way). That kind of thoughtless cruelty is part of how we got to this place.

For me the game feels entirely made for creators, and since I’m not particularly creative that turns me off a lot. It somehow feels like I’d be missing out by buying it to “only” play others’ creations. I suspect there’s a lot of people who feel this way even if it’s not really true at all.

What a shame they launched before it was ready. I’m playing on PC with minimal issues and it’s a spectacular game that I’m enjoying the hell out of, but it really could have used a few more months of dev to polish it up.

For a lot of people (myself included) Witcher 3 was the best game of the last decade.  I’d imagine a lot of people are hoping for the same from CP2077

And funny enough, no longet plays music 🤣

Ha! Boeing/Raytheon/Lockheed stockholders would like to have a word with you.

Because for a large part of recent American history, if you are not a “support the troops! The troops are heroes” type, you are told you are a bad person, a piece of shit, not deserving of America, ect, ect.

But I will not speak on behalf of others.”

Glad someone was able to get image uploading to work on this dog-forsaken commenting system.

The only spoiler that bothers me is that you call the Bone Hydra “Lernie”. It’s completely unnecessary and spoils one of the most amazing little touches in the game. I think these kinds of things are best experienced before you read about them.

Thank you. Can’t watch football any more, it makes me queasy and reminds me of the multiple concussions i experienced in high school sports. Coaches called you weak if you asked off the field.

Ultimately, the game is just video gameified Mafia that you’d play at a party by everyone closing their eyes in between rounds. If people don’t have the emotional maturity to have fun playing the game by following the rules, the only thing you can do is exclude them, they’re literally too immature to have fun with.

The tasks are only time-wasters to make the adversarial coop part work. it’s completely irrelevant if they’re “repetitive”.

Are they actually mad, or are they pretending to be mad to keep up the parasocial relationship with their subs?

I'm also taking a wait and see approach, but if he was drunk or catatonic he may have been immobilized enough from the pain of the heat.