Noxious is a popular streamer but not a good magic player. I wouldn’t put much stock into his opinion.
Noxious is a popular streamer but not a good magic player. I wouldn’t put much stock into his opinion.
I am legitimately curious why this post exists.
I loved Escape from Butcher Bay, thank you for reminding me of its existence.
It is a demonstrably false statement. He had plenty of allegations against him while he was alive.
This headline is misleading at best; at worst its a blatant lie for the purposes of pageviews. Valve did not say it is unfair that the game is exclusive. Valve said it is unfair to the consumers that the decision on exclusivity happened after gamers had already pre ordered the game on Steam.
Why do you think that? My impression is the exact opposite, but I enjoythe game and play a lot of it, so I could be biased.
Who the fuck remembers the layout of a game they played over a decade ago?
Get the fuck over yourself. It’s an epilogue. You still get the full game. Gamers are the whiniest most entitled people on the planet.
The article contains the answer to your question, should you care to read it.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I do not understand how Tumblr banning adult content spells the end of Tumblr’s fandom community. Is fandom on Tumblr really all about adult content?
Oh shut up. If you wanted to play Ashen then you’d get the launcher, you damn crybaby.
No, it is not, you toxic shitlord. By definition it is the opposite of constructive feedback.
This ultimately means nothing and is totally irrelevant but.... How would it help to study actual wolverines in preparation to play the character Wolverine? Seems so silly to me.
If the haircut is so common and all barbers do a variation of it, then why must I run when I see a guy with this haircut?