
If it's actually labeled tamari then it has to comply with certain standards (no wheat, just soy, no msg)

IE8 is miles ahead of IE7, but is is it really wise to advise someone to upgrade to outdated software? IE8 is also missing a lot of html5, as well as webGL functions, which, while not essential at the moment, do prevent some websites from functioning properly (only text files can be edited in google docs, to give one

In many countries the cost of living (and by extension, non-imported luxury) is very low in USD. I have a cousin living as an ex-pat in costa rica, who, on an academic salary, is able to afford a fairly large estate w/ a groundsman, cook, and part-time chauffeur.

I'm going to assume that instead of being a completely impulsive idiot, this guy somehow figured that by running the money through casinos he would have a legitimate reason for having an extra $1.5 mil on hand, and then he got a little carried away when he had a massive stack of chips.

The (likely) reason that they didn't include IE9 is that it doesn't work on Windows xp, and if you have IE enabled on vista or 7 windows update will give you the optional update to IE9

Judging from the amount of typos in your post, the keyboard on your $499 laptop may be a tad sub-par.

That's because this list was on ways ultra-books beat MBAs. Apple notebooks are (with the exception of some grotesquely extended batteries, the gold standard of battery life.

I watched this three times in 1080p. How can I justify getting one of these?

My point was that, while apple's ssd prices are high compared to aftermarket upgrade costs, the net cost to the consumer to upgrade is roughly equivalent as the factory drive is useless (and therefore valueless) to the consumer after it's yanked out. (this changes if apple uses standard connections, as a cheap

Apple will have lost it's soul if it EVER suffixes any product with XL.

The cost is the same if you can't do anything with the old chip. I'm not sure if apple uses propetary connectors or if the use standard mSATA.

That's probably why apple ditched the quad core mac pros. The 5770 is still about 15% faster than the 650m.

Yeah, it would be great, but unlikely, if apple would give the option of putting an optical drive and/or backup sata HDD in the thunderbolt display. The only time I use DVDs is when I have my macbook connected to an external display, and backups would be very convenient if they started whenever I plugged it into a

But what would be the advantage over the iPhone? If they added gps and a data connection, as welling as completing the logical step of upgrading the SoC and camera, it would essentially have the same physical components (and therefore cost) as an iPhone, but the phone capability would be gimped by the software. Does

By that I assume you mean bleeding edge hipster wear.

at least they weren't before you checked them. You may want to change anything important.

does anyone else think that it's wrong that this headline appears directly after "159-Passenger Airliner Crashes Into Apartment Building (WARNING: Strong Images)"?


Large scale illicit production happens most on public land in Northern California and Oregon. It's actually a pretty big environmental problem as the growers will slash and burn to clear land and dump shit tonnes of pesticides and trash near streams and other delicate habitat,