
Nintendo published 30 games last year so yeah they were devs of 2013 too lol

Ports dont sell well on mobile

35.6 million Mario Wii karts. It sold another 1 million in 2013

Nintendo did seduce their girlfriends. Women are nintendo's main audience

fusion handheld console is a system with similar software but different form factors

They;d jhave to fire over half their staff, would make less money and would have to make less games to stay profitable nd their devs would have to optomize for 5-6 different pieces of hardware


All sony has for the fall is drive club and Little big plnet on PS3 and Ps4

Motherfuckin' Splatoon, Xenoblade Chroniles X, Bayonetta 1& 2, Devils 3rd, Brand New Zelda with new kinds of puzzles and world structure like the first game in the series, The smash tournament, games upon games upon games and the jovial nature of all the employees + the treehouse luive streams. Nintendo stole the

They've done it 10 times before with their other systems, hell PSP did it with monster hunter

Nintendo's been n profitable for 35 years out of the 37 years they've been in gaming

If you're a fan of gaming NOBODY would wish for this. What Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have brought to gaming is amazing and we cant lose it to mobile

No they just understand the nature of BUSINESS. Going multiplatform changes nintendo's business structure A HELL of a lot and half the company would be rendered defunct./ Not to mention nintendo makes the sturdiest and most efficient hardware out of any gaming company

More sales=//= more revenue

SEGA has downsized a shit ton and they make WAY less games. And multiplatform development DOES strain developers.

Women and Children love nintendo. 18-35 year old men bitch on Neogaf all day about the PSbone

They wont be downsizing any time soon. Consider they just spent a billion dollars on expanding lol

??? Uh, the market decides the prices of things, Nintendo can sell things for launch price for years on ends because they have the sales to back it up as their titles are quality and ever green. Unless they're nice and have a sale like they do every so often. Third party stuff goes on sale all the time though

10-15 dollars

The duration of it was weird , but yeah, OTHER M]'s plot was pulled straight out of Aliens lol.