
Architecture has nothing do with anything. Middleware that the PS4 and the xbox One use is fully useable on WiiU.

Its just simple value added, nothing much besides that and it will allow them to bring DS games to future platforms easily

Yes, of course.


And that will lose them more money great.

No they dont. WiiU's having growth they lost money due to spending on expanding

Because you dont game on one.

Iwata changed that at nintendo actually. I dont know why people still act like its the 80s

Actually the most accurate would be Yamauchi dying and nintendo being forced to buy back his shares

They're also not losing 435 million dollars but kotaku wont tell you that

Nobody will buy mario on PS4 and Xbox

Gunpei Yokoi

Its not arrogance

Iwata made nintendo insane cash the past 5 or 6 years. What are you smoking? Iwata's not the reason nintendo has issues right now. Besides the WiiU doing poorly despite the small growth it has had they're mainly losing money because they're spending more cash on things

Come on Kotaku. An operating loss is how much money a company is spending vs is what they're making. Overall they only loss 232 million dollars for the year.( this is after you add up how much money they made)

That's not their strategy at all

They already made a change in strategy. Iwata cant fire half the board either no matter the shit they get into.

Not really

Arrogance is no where near the problem with Nintendo. Iwata's too busy fighting with his board members over their doing stupid shit and it causes some issues overall.

Except that isnt how competition works. Its not an end goal, there is no end goal. The meaning of competition is to compete against yourself until you attain your peak and you transform. Leaderboard stuff has no end. You dont compete to get all the gold metals or to fight over and defend your spot as top dog