Owen Wilson Pickett

Not only is Anchorman 2 one of the best sequels ever, it may be one of the best FILMS ever.

They do in Colorado!

Mario C. likes to keep it clean, yet Ad-Rock still had to throw a “fucking” in there.  Love it.

Fuck Jeff Tweedy.  That guy has been such an insufferable, miserable asshole for so long, and that stupid hat ain’t helping.  I’ve never turned on a band like I’ve turned on Wilco, and that is in large part due to Tweedy and his arrogance.  Also their albums suck now.

It sounds like Adrock indeed feels like a winner when he makes a mix tape.


Mrs. Featherbottom is the only sequel we needed.

Piping hot take, bro!  Dude you are spewing some serious LAVA right there.


Preach! I got over my beer snobiness in my late 20's, even as the Denver microbrew scene continued to take off. I realized that I would rather fine tune my situational selections, and that even the “shittiest” beer has its time and place. For example, ice cold Coors Light and Miller Lite are perfect on the golf

“That’s almost certainly too much Step Brothers...”

Blow-In-Place (BIP) is an option for disposing of UXO or MEC items, but not always the most practical. Apparently that sea mine had been determined safe to move by qualified personnel and transported to a location where they could execute a controlled demo operation.

try millions

Shit.  Next you’re gonna tell me that tanukis aren’t souped up on sake 24/7.

This guy fucks.

$250?! LOCK HIM UP!

I came here for this very comment.

This movie fucks!

Are these muppets gonna fuck Khaleesi?!

Cop doesn’t have a sense of humor... you don’t say!