
I might have missed something, but I can't work out why the relationship between Jeff and Britta is so often referred to as legitimate "going out" (e.g. Britta called him her "ex-boyfriend" this episode and has said "we used to date" numerous times in previous eps). I've never heard of friends with benefits call what

The best moment of the entire episode.

I was waiting for someone to do this and, I must say, you did a mighty fine job sir!

This episode was perfection.
I don't think I've ever laughed so hard during an episode of New Girl:
"If I were off my rocker would I take a weekly selfie with my cat?"
Nor have I been so pleasantly surprised and moved by one. I thought I was done with Schmidt and Cece weeks ago, but that proposal made Cooler look like

Possibly haha, all of Don's secretaries do seem to end up leading much more successful lives than most of the other admin ladies


I'm sticking with Betty on this one. She's still a bit of a moron.

I know, poor Joan! That said, I don't think the Joan part would have had nearly as much impact if it wasn't juxtaposed with Peggy's storyline. As these final episodes have a lot of callbacks to the early seasons, I thought it was interesting to note this episode contained what seemed to be a pretty solid climax in the

"You know I need to make men feel at ease."
"Who told you that?"

I really enjoy the Jonah/Richard pairing. Richard's oblivious matter-of-factness is on point, "it's transgender, actually"

In Australia, they're called undies.

Maybe if I dream small enough and don't move to America, I might stand a shot. Just maybe.

Well done.

That Futurama quote has stuck with me since I watched it when I was a young teen haha (I managed to squeeze it into an English essay at some point).
I think you've hit the nail on the head. People are always going to be divided on this, but I don't think some people can appreciate that if it's too much like its "glory

Why am I doing or saying anything that I'm saying or doing?

Yeah, I don't think it warranted a grade lower than Laws of Robotics and Party Rights, which, in my opinion, has definitely been this season's low point. But in terms of, "Would I bother watching it again?"… No, no, I wouldn't.

I know! I had to go watch P+R reruns after.

Not to detract from her amazing acting skills, but Alison Brie dressed as a former "pleasure droid"….. Haaaammmm, gurl!

I see what you did there…

My thoughts exactly. At least it was a more reasonable suggestion than Duncan v. Logan though.