The good people will rise again.
The good people will rise again.
She jumped the broom,figure of speech, and we should make spells when we can.
You’ll only notice it on a 55mph road.
The air vents are were the gas goes. In Europe they say Euros.
I’m looking out my window now. Now it annoys me, thanks.
The present threats are scarier than the past.
Sorry. Good luck with everything.
Maybe your name should be Snorty McDrinkface so that we could avoid these embarassing moments.
DrugstoreGlasses trigger me. Now I’m getting shitfaced.
I’m not Swedish so it doesn’t need to be fixed.
Swiss=Swedish chocolate.
That’s one swede you don’t want checking out your rear.
She saw the syriasness of the problem. She could not aleppo it go. I kid you not. I’m just a barrel of laughs.
Why is my comment offensive?
He’s got a Purple Heart so why shouldn’t he coach?
Lies made up by my enemies!
I don’t care if you die in a flood, I do care though.