
Conservative here who loved the Daily Show when Stewart hosted it, and laughed heartily every time his team excoriated some conservative white congressman. That said, Samantha Bee’s show had not of the cleverness and wit of the Daily Show—including the Daily Show seasons she was in. Her schtick worked when she was a

I remember when Paul Reiser did a new show for NBC that they cancelled after airing two episodes and he had to go on the Tonight Show the next day to pump the show because they couldn’t get another guest. He and Jay Leno had much fun at NBC’s expense, but I thought it was brutal that Reiser had to sit there and

Or, you know, it sucked, since women and minorities are human, have their own agency, and are capable of failure for reasons having nothing to do with historical prejudices.

I bought my 2003 Grand Marquis with 115k miles three years ago, and I am about to hit 200k miles. With the exception of the intake manifold ($800, and a well known defect), a right front wheel bearing ($225 installed), and a new blower motor ($60, and I put it in myself), the car has been rock solid. AC blows as cold

Come on, dude, it was a little long.

None of my progressive friends know anything about the military. They don’t have any friends in the military, they’ve never had any friends in the military, and most days I wonder if they could even spell the word right when pressed. Like almost every other congressperson, AOC has yet to demonstrate a mastery of any

30% of the House will vote against anything with the word “military” in it.  This wasn’t a resounding defeat.  Nothing more, nothing less. 

Yeah, I think the time to launch these was sooner rather than later.  Things aren’t going to be better in December.  There’s no way.

“I’ve already survived two heart attacks and I’m 43...”

I agree wholeheartedly.  Pointless games that go on and on and on for eternity--like Skyrim (yeah, I said it)--need to go.  Give me a taught, well-designed, and engaging 12-hour game any day of the week.  

You have excellent taste and have given the only right answer in this entire thread except for mine.  Good work. 



Mourning.  It’s spelled, “mourning.”

I rejected wholeheartedly the premise that you can only love Happy Gilmore or Billy Madison, but not both.

Where did he come up with this one?  I’ve never heard anyone suggest that a witness was swapped out, ever (and I have seen any number of inane conspiracy theories about this case from both sides).  Is this something that has been circulating for a while, or did the lawyer just pull it out of the thin air?

Thank you, Peter, for having the balls to write this article. The RE fanboys will pile on, sure, but I appreciate you going out on a limb. And they should be thankful that you pulled your punches, since you could have said this instead:

Grade school, maybe.

This article is disgusting, as is most all of anime.  I am sorry I read it.

It’s an Epic Games Store exclusive for now.  It’s not on Steam.