Why in the world would you use a stock image here instead of a photo of the parking spots?
Why in the world would you use a stock image here instead of a photo of the parking spots?
If it’s angled, then I’m a big fan of back in/pull out. When you stop in the right spot to then back up, you’ve got a good view of what’s behind you (mirrors, backup camera, over your shoulder. And when you pull out, you see oncoming traffic over your left shoulder.
10$ for earplugs and muffs is small change compared to actually fixing a track section. Safety theater.
Perhaps this is an industry (one among many) that should pay the Federal government a per train/per mile of track fee to cover the expense of the Federal government employing Federal train inspectors?
But businesses can self regulate!
HAHAHAHA. Until the payout is measured in billions, this is barely a rounding error in their $26 billion revenue/$6 billion net.
It’s almost like they choose to ignore the entire human history of paid labor that says ownership will always sacrifice public interest in order to make more money personally.
Anti-government conservatives have successfully pushed for industry self regulation for decades and so we get what we get.
It would be a real shame if Burning Man stopped being cool after this and just faded away into nothing.
Next year they should call it “Drowning Man”. In all seriousness, it’s past time for this nonsense to end. Someone HAS gotten hurt, to say nothing of the unmeasurable damage to the desert.
agree. Just keep using their words.
It’s about time Democrats got the message that abortion is the issue to focus on. Just showing republicans flailing for an answer is all that’s needed.
I hate that one of the fastest ways to make sure abortion rights are ensured is to scare the hell out of the Y-chromosome-owners. Them being inconvenienced by child support shouldn’t be more compelling than the current suffering, physical harm and fear put upon women....but if that’s what it takes, that’s what it…
The Dems need to hit abortion all the way until election time. Also, they need to get the message to young men that they could be paying a lot of child support in the future. That might scare them into voting.
He doesnt give a flying flock about the life of the woman, or about children once they are born. Just a fetus fetishist.
Fuck around with women, GOP. We will end you.
“ I believe in a culture of life”... unless that life happens to be black, brown, female, LGBTQ+, kids being shot up in their classrooms, immigrants, refugees, jewish, muslim, disabled, poor, or homeless. Yeah, exclude all those groups and sure it looks like a “culture of life.”
This is so bizarre I thought it had to be fake at first. Who knew? Floating islands...
Also, if this had happened in 1955, it’s almost 100% doubtful that she would have survived, (being only a pound and a few ounces). There was nothing like a NICU in any hospitals at that time, and most fetuses that were pre-born at that early a stage died within minutes (as there was nothing the doctors could do to…
If she hadn’t been “rescued,” DeSantis would have to tell the story with a deadpan tone