
But the garage and drive way in the back cuts massively into the back yard. I do agree that the large  set backs on small lots is stupied

Yep, some districts in some states have fully private fleets that are contracted with the local school system.

TBH, that’s only enough for 1 maybe 1.5 drivers at the going rate. To fix the shortage of drivers, the simple solution is to raise pay so that more people want to go into that industry.

Or the Senator behind him, holding Mitch up by the Elbows.

Or, they already have a plan to “Weekend at Bernie’s”  him until the 2027. They just need him alive and someone to place his finger on the voting button.

I heard the True Value up the road will be stocking roadside crosses and plastic flowers.

Thought and prayers.

bag of peanuts

Ugh, why toss the HVAC. Especially the heater, I can understand the AC since it likely broke, but the heater core?

The crazy part is that one and the black premium, are “in transit”

The other 4 GTs are spread around between the 6 local dealerships. I suspecting the Mach-Es sitting on lots are at dealerships that don’t know how to sell cars or don’t match the local demand for vehicles. This is where Ford’s quota/ ordering system

Maybe the $7.5K dealer markup is part of the issue?

Where are these dealerships located? I’m in MD and most “New Car” lots here have more used cars then new cars, getting inventory is still hard and most are sold prior to delivery. Heck the local Toyota dealership only had a hand full of used car and 2 new ones last week. 

So... She was thrown out over telling the truth?

He’s trying to talk down the facilities. comfortable but rustic facilityWhile it’s not the Gaylord or Downton Abby, in the way of luxury, it’s along the lines of vacation property that fits the location.

Interesting, I thought the larger size was due to less workers available to pick the fruits so they had more time to grow larger.

Get a hitch for the celica and tow a small 4wheeler to the trails.

It depends on finding the right cookie cutter house in the golf cart only gated community and then hoping the gas hasn’t gelled in the tank from sitting since the week after it was bought.

Is Dentistry doing that bad? I know the economy is tight, but tooth pain is awful. Maybe the American Dental Association should have fought to be included in standard health car plans rather then tacked on.

I have yet to see an electric mower/zero turn that uses more then a few amps to recharge, a heavy duty extension cord would work.

What else do you expect from Boomers? Milk every last penny and destroy it on the way out.

If you want people to come to your defense, then you need to have conducted yourself in a way that there is something to defend.