That was hilarious!
That was hilarious!
These are great pictures!
Where did you find this?
I love Annalee's writing. I look forward to her or Esther's recaps. They're brilliant, descriptive, and hilarious writers.
I loved it when Hobbes and Erica hooked up. That sexual tension was great and that love scene was off the charts hot.
Watch this!
@Annalee Newitz didn't the old io9 site have an area where we could email you? There was a post on io9 about how we know how old the Earth is, but then it was removed and I never got to read it.
BeeJive is the best multi-client IM on Android, hands down, no If's, And's, or But's!
I totally agree with you
This is the problem with old neighborhoods. Cities should purchase old homes and demolish them. Eventually demolishing all old homes and then the utilities can be buried.
I agree with you Elephant!
I'm pro-choice and I'm proud of it. If you believe in personal freedom, you'd also be pro-choice.
Let's not forget the creating solar panels are toxic and the price of making solar has gone up quite a bit.
I totally agree with you. The only people that are skeptical have never worked in retail. Of course you can't be 100% accurate all the time, but your intuition is usually correct.
Great article. I love reading about this guy. I think he's great, but it's interesting to see how the stress of having the world's governments hate you take a toll on his sanity.
I believe Microsoft.
eBuddy sucks. It's all about BeeJive!
@tlong1122: Cool story, bro