Thanks for all your contributions Dr. Goldberg!
Thanks for all your contributions Dr. Goldberg!
@kyle4: Dood, the Internet is the single greatest human accomplishment IMO.
@bobsolo1999: LMAO!!
@improprietary: shit just got real... son
Satellite internet
@John H. C. Staton: Who polices the police!
@Barada_nikto_byotch: I'm with you. No way I'm spending $800 on that.
My jeans would smell like total ass.
@FrankN.Stein: Franks' the best!
@Wookielifeday: LOL!
@blaaps: LMAO!
@LostBedStuy: Old people watch CBS
@im.thatoneguy3: I want to see Erica and Lisa make out.
@Starlionblue: That's exactly what I think as well!
@Annalee Newitz I love your write ups about V.
When listening to music and I get a notification the music gets drowned out by the notification.
Biggest problem is locked boot loader on new Motorola phones such as Droid X.
@Harrison_Bergeron: It may be old, but I've never read about it before and I'm glad I got to read it.
@Starlionblue: That's an awesome fact and one I've never heard before.