@XRFlip05: A buddy also said there is an app that blocks ads in apps. I'll have to search for that, but I had not thought of airplane mode. Good call.
@XRFlip05: A buddy also said there is an app that blocks ads in apps. I'll have to search for that, but I had not thought of airplane mode. Good call.
@justinpe: I have a Droid X, but you served those 2 fools.
@Kakkoii: You're way out of line with justin.
@Herr_Synnberg: Well said my friend. I do enjoy my Android phone, but I must say that I probably have to reset the phone a few times a week.
Sully, now this guy!
You hit the nail on the head Charlie!
@reydelaplaya: Very clever mon!
Nice write up Esther! Loved how you closed it at the end! Very clever!
@iScuba: Cool story, bro.
How do I get the phone for free from VZW?
@Ryan: Yeah, that Bionic is like a supped up version of the Droid X. The only problem with it is that it's going to have a locked boot loader. That just means less custom ROMs.
@Bramsey89: Please take your star away! Please take your star away!
@Ryan: Why would you get the Thunderbolt? That's already a generation behind in the hardware area.
@DARSFOG: From what I've read it doesn't matter how many people are using the network, if it sucked before it's still going to suck.
@BadJoJo: I've seen other commentors say that with the EVO on 4G they could still do voice and data simultaneously
@ripfire: Dood, my iPhone was useless in Universal City. I was on Edge almost all the time there.
@tucker augie'ben'doggy: I agree with you censorship is bullshit.
@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender: VZW licenses the Droid name from Lucas Arts.
@FauxReal: I agree with you, but you don't want the Thunderbolt. It's basically a generation behind now. Single core CPU, no qHD resolution for the screen.