
@corakil: Blu-ray for the most part is scratch proof.

@FauxReal: The real question is if they'll have the locked boot loader like the Droid X does.

@cc: Are you kidding? Buy this instead!

@betabiter13: That's why we have double standards. = )

Texas is a sad, sad state.

That 13 year old is a moron. I wish a woman wanted to have sex with me when I was 13, and I'd be smart enough to keep my mouth shut.

@thirdchild: Everyone loves THC brand Smartphones!

Don't the doctors give you something that makes you shit before you get one of these cameras stuck up your ass?

Will it have the locked boot loader on it?

@ceti: Dood, that is a great site. Never heard of it before, but their stuff on Iraq is awesome!

@G0RF: That's some great information! Thank you for sharing this.

Last years was better.

@George Lampard: Okay, let's imagine the Spanish or English empire in the 1400's decided to wage an all out war against Native Americans. The Natives would stand no chance.

@214w: That's Hollywood for ya. = )