Unknown User

Sig and Glock have such a different hold in the hand. I’m wondering why they didn’t test the SP2022 if they wanted to drop weight and go with a polymer frame. Even if standard issue changes, no way can they stop supporting the 226 the same way they have allowed carry of other weapons.

Awesome original piece! thanks Tyler.

And more bad news for the Russian navy. Admiral Grigorovich and Admiral Gorshkov frigates both use Ukrainian turbine engines, and Ukraine’s sanctions prevent the export for military hardware to Russia. Out of six planned Gorshkov-class frigates (for the Black Sea Fleet), only three have been built, and three others

Tyler love your writings. Thanks!

We don’t provide them with foreign aid. Our only payments come from leasing military outposts in their country (which are massive, more secure than anywhere else in the region and crucial with our ongoing regional missions) and is not $700M/year. Do you have a source for those numbers?

I disagree. The Saudi Arabian special forces are in dire need of exactly this type of aircraft for their anti-terror anti-islamist operations. If you didn’t know, up until recently the Saudi special ops were a bunch of guys in white robes dropping bags of cash from the rear ramp of a C-130 onto the unsuspecting

They have about 5 years of below $100 barrel oil.

We should buy some of these for the Army.

Oh, please.

The C-30J is at least $30m more expensive, and the Embraer is in development - so there’s that.

Since the turn of the century, DoD has failed miserably while procuring new kit for the military. New tankers, F-35, LCS, a replacement for the M109, new APCs and IFVs (cancelled twice), new uniforms, new AGMs (JASSM, JCM...).....the list goes on.

I would present a counterpoint of replacing all of the USMCs APCs (LAVs and AAVs) with a single, well-made design, like the other side has done:

Very cool idea, I’m sure after the R&D costs have been absorbed the initial investment cost will drop substantially, these could also serve a roll in search & rescue if the were fitted with sensors or provide drops to disaster relief.