
Mmm, so he (and his foundation) will not be accountable if Carrie mucks up or any of her sh*t catches up to her?

This review took a while to come around… (That's how crazy I am about this show!)

All the Will-Hannibal scenes were more romantic than a teen tearjerker. (Too moving for words.)

Armitage totally owned this episode, Esparza a close second.
Is Guillermo Navarro directing the next (last!) episode?

I think they gratuitously lingered on that scene that I was oddly feeling hot at the end of it.

He was my first celebrity crush when I saw The Avengers (the panned spy caper, not the lauded superhero one).

Please let that bed scene be just a figment of Will's vivid imagination.

Oh, Will. You were always the better half.

And I watched "Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky" after, just to preserve my adoration. Bet this is going to be a thing after every episode.

And I liked (too positive a word!) that he bided his time seeing Beverly discover whatever it was there, instead of swooping in instantly.
On other physical aspects Hannibal's posture (and the camera zoom) was classic. And the uncharacteristic shuffle for the lights!

My ambivalence to Hannibal has gone from "Here, let me help you fasten your cuffs" last week to "Don't ever lay yer hands on me!!!" this episode.

I thought Episode Three was a nap, and this one just lapsed into a recurring nightmare. Loved it. Poor Beverly. :(