
“Donald Trump has been a vocal advocate of sexual assault, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and violent racism”

“likely fueled by the recent outpouring of newly wealthy millennials that realized driving a manual car is really, really fun.”

Well if people stopped having kids because they were bored, lonely, trying to scam welfare benefits, or forced or pressured into it by nonsensical cultural or religious norms, we wouldn’t be overcrowding the world. Worst part is, the majority of these kids will be born to people who can’t take care of them, many under

“insane white people shit”

What a waste of life.

You know you’re full of shit when you start out whining about “privilege”

What’s with these cringy animated gifs? This article is full blown AIDS.

Fuck Five Guys and their insistence on putting my burger at the bottom of the bag, then dumping the entire order of fries over it. Because I really wanted my hand and half my forearm covered in peanut oil just to get my burger out.

Just when it seems like you couldn’t go any lower, the ex-Gawker sites break through and find a new bottom of the barrel to scrape.

Arrest that fat, ugly cunt. People need to get the full punishment coming to them when they think they can attack people or destroy the property of others because they disagree with them. These people are human garbage.

“will be monitoring literally everything around you constantly”

This dead horse is one that a lot of idiots love to beat for some reason.

Yeah, no you didn’t buy it for the price of a Camry because maintenance costs are a thing and that Aston is going to cost you an arm and a leg to keep running.

Yeah can’t have politicians saying things like, “Just grab her pussy” - It’s fine to have politicians who shove cigars in the pussies of interns then lie about it to Congress and to have politicians who stand by and support their husband when they shove cigars in the pussies of interns and lie about it to Congress.

Still better than having people killed and being responsible for the deaths of others by way of failure in your capacity as a public official. Still better than a woman who looked the other way while her husband womanized pretty much his entire career and stood by his side while he lied to Congress.

“Everything about her career suggests”

Why would she get massive, ugly, ass implants then pose for a photo shoot where she pretends to shoot champagne from a bottle into a glass resting on her fake ass? Because idiots eat it up.

“No, I couldn’t imagine that because it would go against what site stands for.”

Sure, if it’s about a man, I can totally see it.

“What happened to taking someone (a woman specifically) at their word until LEGITIMATE evidence comes out to make us think otherwise?”