A Lantern of Hope

Donald Trump doesn’t even respect protected American cultural treasures. Why on earth should anyone think he cares about other countries’ antiquities?

If Daryl Hannah is in it, then count me as a viewer.  

Maybe it’s just the lighting but I can’t help but think George looks vaguely sinister in this:

Full disclosure for any legal authorities reading this roundtable (ya nerds): I love all of my colleagues and I’m very sure my desire to kill them all will eventually dissipate with time.

To be fair, I totally thought white women should have been in the bracket. /signed a white woman

I thought white women were responsible for Trump in the White House.

E! will still be on entertaining the surviving roaches after the nuclear apocalypse.

Are you trying to influence us? 

The Influencers are dead. Long live the Influencers!


It should have been vapes. Since it wasn’t, I’m cancelling it in my own heart of hearts. Goodbye, vapes. 

Yikes! It’s like Disney moved the Hall of Presidents to the Haunted Mansion.

This is sufficiently creepy.

But wouldn’t they have also known that he was “really” a white man? Manhattan’s real identity as Jon has been public knowledge for decades. Also, with the exception of the old man in the wheelchair, none of the Cyclops people had ever seen him before in person, at least in his blue form. I doubt Keene Jr was old

“Well just scream literally every day about how Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semite to distract from the fact that you’re an Islamophobe and anti-Semite who hates women! Yes, yes....”

Seriously... Dig up a pic of Stephen Miller and tell me there isn’t some Skeksi in the woodpile. Kellyanne, of course, is full-blood, and I'm pretty sure ICE agents have to be at least a quarter Garthem. 

The design of these puppets has always blown me away. Detailed without being overly busy. Jim Henson Workshop hitting it out of the park.

Kudos to her. 

At the same time, though, like...screw the Constitution.