A Lantern of Hope

Gather round young whipper snappers and let me regale you with a tale of MySpace love.

Except for that one amendment with the grizzly paws and shit.

He's already released a statement saying he didn't say what he said. 

“... investigate the Democrats” is fucked up.

Except for the Second Amendment, of course.

Outdated wrong ideas.

of course not!

Their playbook seems to be
1. Admit to crimes
2. Act like it’s no big deal and everyone does it
3. ???
4. Profit

White House Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney confirmed during a press conference that, contrary to Donald Trump’s many, many denials, the Trump administration did in fact hold up aid to Ukraine to force them to investigate the Democrats.

The “Call you later” was my favorite part.

Like, if you're calling later, why write a letter? Won't it get there after the call?

It’s also a comforting safety net. I remember waiting around for a first date on a Saturday night. I left after 20 minutes. Walking to the Metro, first date emailed me that he had to work that night and “time got away from [him] and could we reschedule?”

Also me. I am finally just myself. I have friends I care about, family, and I don’t have to be anyone but me. I never really learned how to be me in a relationship, so I’m glad I’m old and can just not care!

lol, I occasionally have dreams where I’m in a fight, and my body doesn’t completely shut down my muscles when I sleep (sleep disorder), so I’ve actually woken myself up punching or kicking the wall.

Very nice Rebecca. Don’t despair on the finding someone after thirty is nigh impossible. When I was 44, I met my forever man and happily married for 21 years.

Whoot! A Legend of Zelda reference!

Fuck Splinter. Like a rat, it deserved to die.

I’m two decades older than your son and me having the skill to break a guys nose is depressing. The fact I’ve broken some noses to protect myself is depressing and sad.

Oh, you.

*chef kiss*