Universal Soldier

Candace. you conclude that “ the clip shows how she simply did this to herself.” It is clear that you were looking for a “Karen” in the clip. However, if you had ever been pregnant and exhausted from 12 hours of stressful work, you would have seen a woman being hasseled by 5 large bullies who were being photographed

Putin has food tasters.

You looking to be in a nuclear war? Jesus, think 2 steps ahead maybe, or even just one.

Pretty difficult considering he was the head of the KGB, so he lives in a constant state of paranoia and power.
If he’s willing to kill a man by poisoning him with a nuclear isotope so rare they were able to pinpoint what lab it came from, it’s because Putin doesn’t skip on the detailing.
The real issue is those

I personally feel very sorry for her and it goes without saying, that under Western standards, 9 years is a ridiculous sentence. However, I am also angry at her for putting the United States in a position to have to release murderers in order to free her. I know she is 31 years young, but one should know that you

I really thought that the world had become embarrassed with the slut shaming and harassment of Lewinsky like, decades ago.  I would expect this kind of thing on Fox News or Breitbart, but it’s disappointing to see here.

She was subpoenad. She legally didn’t have a choice. And I wouldn’t say Hillary backing her man after what she had said about that action before was dignified (she made multiple classist statements about previous accusations). So go get bent if you can’t bother to understand what actually took place.

She’s not responsible for the public’s continued obsession.

I’m so sick of Monica Lewinsky, she really needs to go away.

Where have you seen her crying victim? She’s mostly just moved on and, when asked about the past, responds with humor.

Then please, PLEASE feel free to fuck right off, K?

Beyoncé should remove the Monica Lewinsky line from “Partition” because it doesn’t make any sense. If anything, it should “He Bill Clinton’d all on my gown”

Jesse Jackson? Melinda Abdullah? Talk about a pair who need to be careful with their word choices...He’s a con artist parading around on the good name of others. And Melinda needs to watch out since those tax filings for BLM are the subject of multiple investigations in multiple states!

Or people can fuck right off with the whataboutism? It’s never good when anyone does it. 

For context the Indigenous protests that blocked a rail line that impacted only a fraction of the traffic got broken up fairly quick.

The important thing here is that, despite Joe saying a cause was not identified, the NHTSA did identify one. They actually identified the problem last fall, and verified it with this report.

Despite the number of miles driven decreasing last year as a result of the pandemic, traffic deaths increased with Black people dying at a rate that was almost 25 percent higher than white people.