Just turn the wheel so your tires angle towards the curb, roll forward until your tire touches the curb, then set your parking brake. Basic driver’s ed.
Just turn the wheel so your tires angle towards the curb, roll forward until your tire touches the curb, then set your parking brake. Basic driver’s ed.
This reminds me of doing reverse donuts out on back-road intersections in my old Civic. The wheelbase wasn’t too much longer than that chopped up Volvo. I could get that thing spinning pretty tight.
That would be fun forever!~
I use a tablespoon of apricot jam to wake up the tomato flavor. It adds a bit more tang, and the sweetness is a little more subtle than straight sugar.
I agree. The best ads are the ones where they guy says he loves the car, but his wife is making him get rid of it.
That looks like it would be super fun for about a month.
Don’t be pedantic? You should know this crowd better than that!
As long as somebody is getting rich, it doesn’t matter how many people get hurt. -Ayn Rand
First they came for the hood scoop, then the turbo!? Boo this car company!
I didn’t know Rolls had 4th owners. Isn’t the third owner usually required to burn it, or push it into a river?
It’s time.
I don’t care about your opinion on gender, or whatever. However, you have to admit that those two videos can not be compared. Jacobson asks a legitimate question about the coach’s strategy late in the game. The reporter in your video is questioning a players performance. Like, “Why didn’t you play better?”
What are the chances of tuning this engine to crank out more than 144 torques?
Yes, but in other words, he’s an American.