LOL, CP! For that price, you can find a similarly low miles Focus ST or GTI that was built in this decade... and most importantly, aren’t Dodges.
LOL, CP! For that price, you can find a similarly low miles Focus ST or GTI that was built in this decade... and most importantly, aren’t Dodges.
I don’t have the energy to do the math, but something tells me that a BMW i8 might be the way to go.
...the video is now tainted by the knowledge that all of the intellectual property wasn’t given willingly.
Loving the mega galleries! Keep up the good work!
I don’t want a god damn half gallon, Farva! I want two liters o’ milk!
At the Olympic level, not everyone is a winner. Not everyone gets a little plastic trophy to take home.
Every time I get into one of these spats, they start out ugly, and always turn out friendly. I want to thank you for not being an exception to the rule, thus confirming my faith in humanity... Even though we disagreed, we conversed to a point where it didn’t really matter anymore, and that’s fucking rad. Take care,…
Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.
I have a feeling that the color you see on your screen looks wildly different to the human eye. Car paint can be an illusive thing to capture in a photograph or video.
The concept of structural color isn’t that exotic. The same principles apply to your television, which is capable of creating millions of colors using only red, blue, and green pixels.
Truly, I’ve never understood how it became an insult, nor the impending sensitivity of those who are offended by it. I find it puzzling that it’s often used by people who espouse American exceptionalism, and is often aimed at people who have socialist leanings. It makes no sense, and needs to go away.
Welp, it’s been nice bickering with you. Cheers!
Ah, so the truth comes out. You’re the one who can’t handle being called names. Sorry for calling you a cunt, but it’s my go-to for when I see someone use “snowflake.” It seems to be the most effective at getting under their skin...
Mostly, I feel sorry for people who use snowflake as an insult. Like, that’s the best you got? That’s supposed to hurt my feelings?
Of course I’m piling it on on purpose. Gotta speak troll when talking to trolls. Don’t be a sore loser.
Are you trolling or just retarded? An “apt observation of a pot calling the kettle black” is a different way of saying, “I know you are, but what am I?” But I’m the one with 8 year old logic? Just admit it. I was right, you were wrong.
That’s funny you chose that response, considering...
So, do you choose to be a cunt, or is it something you just can’t help?
How about not being a cunt and just minding your own business? Seriously, you’re the worst kind of person. I feel bad for your friends and family if you act this way in real life.