Struts MacPherson

The ugly Christmas sweater is a time honored American tradition. People even throw ugly sweater parties, with prizes for the ugliest one.

The ugly Christmas sweater is a time honored American tradition. People even throw ugly sweater parties, with prizes

An SUV is basically a body-on-frame truck. The Ford Expedition, Toyota 4Runner and Landcruiser, and a handful of others are about the only ones left on the road. Everything else is considered a crossover because they use some version of a unibody car chassis.

I’ll see your Phil Collins and raise you a Collins glass.

Very sad, but at least she died doing something her dad loved.

Why do motorists think it’s acceptable to break traffic laws and how can we get them to stop? I ask this because I think that having other motorists constantly breaking the law makes my drive less safe since drivers feel less humanity toward people in other cars when we otherize otherselves, plus I got hit by a

Well, you CAN drop the weights from the top, but you shouldn’t. Your lift will get DQ’d if you do it at a powerlifting meet, and there are many benefits to returning the bar under control, especially if you’re performing multiple reps.

So, posting rumors is cool because it might actually be true every once in a while? Got it. Thanks, Jezebel.

How to be a useful human being in three easy steps:

Just pony up the little extra cash and get a Ford C-Max plug-in. I bought one as my second vehicle and it quickly became my primary. You’ll be much happier in the long run.

Yes, absolutely. We put our health, safety, and lives on the line for the values the Anthem represents, not the song or the flag itself. I didn’t fight so that people will respect my individual service, branch, or any other bullshit. I fought for freedom.

Don’t disrespect the military, because of what the police are doing.

This is a huge design flaw, and I’m convinced it’s the reason why this remote gets continually marked down. A rare misstep by Logi that they corrected with their pricier Elite remote.

This is a huge design flaw, and I’m convinced it’s the reason why this remote gets continually marked down. A rare

100% of your comment is wrong.

You sedan and SUV lovers need to come to your senses and start using simple logic. Once you do, you’ll come to realize that wagons are the superior mode of transportation.

Gotta go with the Ford Flex Ecoboost. It’s got all the room of a minivan, and a twin turbo pushing 365 hp. It’s not going to be as fast as your Snake, but will run 1/4 miles in the low 14's. Spend a couple grand and you can get that number down into the 12's. Not bad for a 5500 lbs. vehicle with the aerodynamics of a

(keep one side for meat, the other for veggies and flip as you need to during prep)

(keep one side for meat, the other for veggies and flip as you need to during prep)

I agree, red flag! If he’s pressing you hard with the “crazy thoughts/insane” talk, you’ve got big problems. If you really want to make it work, seek relationship counseling. Otherwise, ditch him. That shit’s not healthy.

I like finishing them under the broiler, as opposed to frying them. They crisp up nicely, even if the skin isn’t completely dry first, and they’re a little less greasy.

Can I still use that energy savings rebate?

Can I still use that energy savings rebate?