
Stop with the gimmicks. Just let her be X-23.

I’m a young, fat, white guy and only older women find me attractive. I’m not about to write an entire article about the faults of the social system to justify it, though. Seems pretty silly to simplify your abroad experience down to race and how “successful” you are with random hookups on vacations. The human

I’m hoping to get a Wii U soon enough, but it seems I’m going to have to wait until probably after the NX comes out to get a good deal on it. As long as they keep supporting the console and games like Mario Maker I’m fine with waiting. I wanted to get one at launch, but decided to wait for a larger game library. Now

Pikachu is a mouse.

This is the kind of thing I would totally fill my mansion with. Sideshow makes a 1:1 Darth Vader too which would be awesome to have. Here’s hoping I actually have said mansion by the time they make a Kylo Ren.

So all those assholes who kept randomly killing me are rich too? Well, fuck you too, world.

Hololens is bullshit. It was bullshit the moment they “showed” it at E3. Its bullshit now. It’ll still be bullshit in “the near future”. Microsoft lied to our faces and continue to do so. There is no way this is happening any time soon, if ever.

The only thing anybody is talking about is the Joker. First it was the photo, then it was the promo preview with the stupid, “I’m not gonna kill ya, I’m just gonna hurt ya really really bad” line, and now its all about the trailer and him diving into the acid saving/creating Harley. The Suicide Squad are playing the

Go to bed, DC...

Jared Leto’s “Joker” looks like he belongs as a member of the Jokerz and not the actual Joker.

Thank you for this. Everyone is so hyped about the new Joker movie and I honestly cannot see why. They even gave it a different title... Suicide something... but all everyone is talking about is this gaudy monstrosity.

I enjoy playing Destiny, but there have just been too many other games taking my attention and time for me to justify playing a few strikes in the hopes of getting an exotic I don’t already have. After a year of constant Destiny, it was eye-opening to sit down with a game like Valiant Hearts and experience what it had

I wonder if its a gender-specific thing, a Japan-specific thing, or both that makes this socially acceptable. I’m all for people having their own spot to hang out and do what they do, regardless of who is actually being excluded, but I can’t help but think if there was a similar “Men only” space here in America it’d

Well, after reading the article and the comments it seems Destiny is going through a pretty bad spell as of late. I haven’t logged on in a few months, not even for sparrow racing (saw a stream, didn’t seem appealing), but was thinking of popping it back in to scratch my FPS itch. Now I’ll just leave it for awhile and

Yeah... looking at the box it appears that only Red and Blue will be included and their won’t be seperate 3DSs, it’ll be the same 3DS with two faceplates.

Winning the lottery won’t solve my problems? YES IT FUCKING WILL!

“If I had a wish, I’d wish for three more wishes...”

The reason for the backlash isn’t because they said it was going to be one price and announced a higher price. Its because of the higher price itself. People were already on the fence with the $350 price, and $600 is simply way too much for something that is essentially a limited gaming peripheral.

Dear Can’t Decide,

We didn’t get that one. Or the Ninja Turtles. Or Independence Day. Or Fantastic Beasts. We did get Star Trek 3 though which looks pretty good. We also got Kung Fu Panda 3, Jungle Book, and a Clash of Clans commercial with James Cordon and Christoph Waltz. A bit of variety there.