Part of me thinks this ‘health matter’ could just be a cover for Singer laying low ahead of even more damning harassment/assault allegations.
Part of me thinks this ‘health matter’ could just be a cover for Singer laying low ahead of even more damning harassment/assault allegations.
Where are all the outraged posts about Rami Malek working with him? I mean, these allegations have been around for years.
“I desperately wanted to keep the situation from escalating.”
This can’t be called anything less than kidnapping and rape. The hubris he displayed in doing this to such a genuine grade-A member of Hollywood Royalty boggles the mind. He actually thought he could get away with doing that to the granddaughter of Lena Horne/daughter of Sidney Lumet (both were still alive and…
Miss Piggy should be apologizing to Kermit, tbh.
What’s being driven at here is two things:
I agree. Women are human, and humans sometimes lie. To be clear, I believe the vast majority of such allegations are true. But to say every woman should be believed instantly and unquestioningly, no matter what, is a house of cards that will come tumbling down when a few accusations, out of many, inevitably prove to…
Well, as the project veritas/roy moore debacle proved, some of them ARE fake. I think it is important to keep in mind that a, most of the allegations that led to people being fired were investigated by credible news sources b, a lot of this harassment was reported at the time, and HR departments did nothing and c, the…
Sick isn’t it? Katie Couric has been a known and popular media personality for decades. Even her statements back in 2012 didn’t cause a dent. It got laughed off.
I’m very aware of the routinized workplace sexual harassment, barriers to working outside the home, everyday sexism, and overt misogyny that my female relatives grew up with. I don’t think women were so much “sheltered” from these things as they were completely desensitized and normalized to them. I guess the point is…
I try to remember that these are women who grew up having to play the game by a very specific set of rules in order to participate in society. It’s ingrained. We didn’t even have words to describe some of the things we understand now.
bingo. internalization is dangerous and sad.
Yeah, I don’t really get the shock or the outrage, quite frankly. She’s nearly a century old. This shouldn’t be a surprise. We all know sexism is deeply internalized. You don’t just shake off 92 years of internalized sexism because in the last two months the country decided sexual assault/harassment is suddenly,…
When she was born, voting rights for women were brand new. Do you really think you won’t have outdated social views if you reach 92?
There are many infuriating things about this story, but the largest is that CBS puts exactly none of the onus of resolving the conflict on the guy, and all of it on the woman. That is some obscene victim-blaming right there.
Wow, just from a purely pragmatic standpoint, that sounds like an absurdly shitty icebreaker.
I agree with you, but I know a number of people who worked for TWC at some point who were shocked by the news that Harvey had sexually assaulted women. If you had told them you thought Harvey was sleazy or lowkey sexist, they might not have disagreed, but the fact that he actually assaulting women was surprising. I…
Brave is definitely one word for it... don’t get me wrong, I don’t think that people shouldn’t talk about their infertility struggles. But he did put us in a crap position when he told everyone from the CEO to Cheryl in accounting that they were going to try to have a baby before actually trying, prior to learning…
It was ridiculous that people thought it was OK to name her without her consent. You can’t just go around telling people’s stories for them. And in this case it was an assumption not based on fact.