
cut a freedom hole in it, obviously

i wonder who they’ll recast to voice cleopatra and ghandi, since that is the way things are now

what if he was being sarcastic?

great to see eric roberts still getting work

“making big deals over stupid shit” is basically the av club’s masthead


*shakes purple, fur-enclosed fist at computer screen*

i am not a furry. i am a pedantic asshole, full stop.

hey! furries dont fuck. they yiff.

reboot, you’re glitched

so what would you call him? greatest man to ever live? that could work

clcikbait! the actual song is 3:43 minutes long. so this should be ten minutes at least. 

well i hate to play melgibson’s advocate here, but let us not forget that the jews did kill the one true lord and saviour, jesus christ, a fact i learned from watching mel gibson’s documentary, the passion of the christ.

it’s actually pretty decent and easy to pirate, but i guess the discomfort of confronting the fact that shitty people can make good movies is too much for you.

ron jeremy is a fucking creep??? jesus christ, what next, mel gibson a raving anti-semite???

indeed we ain’t, friend, as i am not on “the twitter” at all. i highly recommend it!

hopefully the av club will follow suit and yank their (all very positive and not critical of the portrayal of blackface) reviews of those episodes. also firing this Zach Handlen fuck, who is clearly a racist as is obvious from this line from his review of “christmas attack zone”, emphasis mine:

*grumbling mob reluctantly places pitchforks back in pitchfork cabinet*

what do you call an ape in a minefield?

fucking appalling that they’re remaking west side story.