
You are mistaken. You simply, quite obviously, just don't get the ironic, sarcastic, self mocking tone of the show. You're taking the show at face value, at it's most superficial level, but you're missing the overt farcical theatrics. You essentially are celebrating your own lack of awareness, but don't feel too bad

Perhaps, I mostly write things just to see my words in black and white?

Could you specifically point to the flagrant mockery? I read it mostly as a classic fish out of water travelogue.

Oooh, a downvote. DCP you have the the intellectual sophistication of a nursery school bully. Nyeaaaah.

But "Dropping Obama off at the White House" is a genuinely funny expression. Around my house we always say "dropping the kids off at the pool," and the Obama variation is extremely funny for its political connotations and for the simple aesthetics of the contrast of the Black President being deposited in the White

Dude, if they haven't gotten it by now there's just no point explaining it to them. People chose to believe what they wanna believe, regardless of all the evidence to the contrary.

So, is the cat in the box alive or dead? And by cat in the box I mean Lena's pussy.

You are exposing your own deep psychosexual dysfunction with your crass, juvenile complaint. I forget what my point is…

"d. Some white people pretend they live in homogenized world's because they often ignore the rest of the world."

It's a TV convention today that all white people must have at least one Black friend. This helps assuage (hipster, liberal, politically correct) White Guilt over White people's continuing position of privilege in our society. People absurdly think that integrated TV shows are reflective of reality, but segregation is

I believe - this is a wholly unsubstantiated theory - that the people who have the greatest problem with Girls are the same people who are rabid fans of Community. People are disturbed and enraged by Girls because it lacks Community's blatant, cloyingly cute, too-clever-for-it's-own-good conceptual gimmickry. The fans

And my Axe!

The intensity of Comment/Avatar synergy is criminal.

Black eyed Peas? Ha hah hahahah hahah hahhah hahahahha hahahahahhha hahahah haha hah hahah hhhhaaaaahhahah ha hah hah ha ha ha Ha.

You arrogant bastard. How many times have we pulled your lame ass out of the fire? Huh? My God, the balls on some people…

Tom's definitely cool, but I'd give a kidney if Sade or even Annie Lenox were the attraction. Kate Bush would be a dream come true but she doesn't like to get on aeroplanes. Not that you were asking…

This story didn't have a surprisingly delightful twist.

I fap whenever someone mentions 4 Hour Erection guy.

A Wardrobe Malfunction for the Chili Peppers would be them actually wearing any clothes.

Et bien, maintenant je comprend. Merci.