
A letter?! Yeah, maybe if she mailed it from 1968! How 'bout a cell phone call, or a text, or a Facebook update, or even an unplanned appearance on TMZ being arrested at a celebrity's out of control East Hampton big bash party?

I think they were both just relieved to see Hank handling the difficult situation so well, being so considerate and patient with Max. I doubt that Adam and Krystina even have the ability to be aware of Hank's possible condition, they're so emotionally consumed in their own lives, and their vision is somewhat

I like how they set it up as though Crosby was gonna be the one to confront Ed, maybe even take a swing at him, but then it's Joel himself who does the macho turf dance.

OK good, don't respond because it's getting exhausting reading your incomplete, partial, and severely fragmentary argument. But just for the sake of cosmic balance I'll let you know that I worked in "Gentleman's Clubs" for many years, paying my way through college and then later to subsidize a very indulgent,

So, what are you to me but a symptom of the problem? Good luck with your chosen afflictions…

Mapplethorpe and Pornography shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence. Robert wasn't a parasitic opportunist preying upon the emotional and psychological weaknesses of his models. He was crafting genuinely evocative original provocative sincere expressions of creativity, revealing otherwise long hidden and

Woman doing porn are doing so under duress, but the duress is largely self inflicted. These girls are acting out personal traumas - sexual molestation, rape, or more violent physical abuse, or even just emotional neglect by a male or father figure, and all this is complicated and exacerbated by rampant substance

In Loco Parentis is the principle by which Universities and other institutions of higher learning are granted authority to limit the speech of their students. Colleges and Universities are and were legally liable for the health and welfare of their students and so the institutions were obliged to enact measures to

What color is the ass? And are the lips very chapped? The devil's in the details.

If you examine any and and all revolutionary's alliances you will quickly discover disturbing, even reprehensible relationships. Whether it's the USA aligning itself with the Taliban in Afghanistan in the 80's, or illegally supplying arms to the leftist contra rebels in El Salvador who regularly burned entire

I realize that TBBT is substantially inferior to Community in terms of originality, cleverness of concepts, and depth of complexity and interest of the characters, but I do, in fact, find myself laughing at a lot of what comes out of those nerdy scientists' mouths, even that sad, depressed kill joy, Leonard.

Kaley Cuoco's boobs could probably demolish Alison Brie's boobs in a boob-to-boob boob off. Of course, this is a debatable position, and I would graciously consent to officiate any such confrontation. Allison's Awesome Assets vs. Kaley's Considerable Cups.

Um, Jews don't burn the top of your mouth when you bite into them.

Your opinion goes to -11.

I'd Cheddar! Get it? Ched her. No, still nothing? Whatevs…

Community is the little engine that said it thinks it can. And then it said it knows it can, dammit! And then said it dares you to try and stop it, mutherfuckers! But then it said, damn, you almost stopped it and just who the hell do you think you are?! And then, finally, it came to its senses and admitted that it was

OK, now I comprende your scorn. But why would Jackson Bone want to hump the rotting corpse of the esteemed Roger Ebert if he isn't a fan of Roger's work? That seems to be a peculiar way of demonstrating one's contempt; to subject one's self to the unimaginably horrific experience of intimate sexual contact with the

I resemble it.


You bastard.