What a hideous mind you have. Also, hysterical.
What a hideous mind you have. Also, hysterical.
It certainly is a compelling and evocative piece of cinematic artistry, but it also is what I like to call corny. Corny because of course the realization of mortality - of our own imminent death - can be a very bewildering, confounding, and stultifying force in one's life, but it is also a most common, mundane, and…
No, none at all, bro. Actually it was your funny name that caught my attention, you being a fellow Brit of Distinguished Heritage. Us upper class blokes gotta stick together. Enjoy the rest of your break.
I really don't care to take part in anything that you might be recommending, mostly because you're a repulsive, self satisfied twerp, but also because you are so psychologically dysfunctional that it's a distinctly disturbing experience to be communicating with you in even this very anonymous, impersonal fashion. I…
As long as my words have brought you no pleasure whatsoever then my mission is a complete and unqualified success. Sux to be you.
Yes, De Niro as the force of innovation and unorthodoxy is a natural choice, but Liza as the more mainstream talent is a bit questionable - not because of her talents but because of her, um, curious appearance. Bands normally hired more traditionally attractive female singers as their "face" and Liza is marginally…
When you frame it that way, sure, you're entirely in the right. But when you consider that the valiant defenders of Justice and Truth are so often led astray by their own feverish vigor - by the intoxicating elixir of their own correctness - then the cause of Democracy and Freedom becomes a convenient platform for…
There are MANY sections of the USA that are exclusively white. More than most people might realize or care to believe.
You're not making rational sense, if that was your intention. You might want to consider submitting your comments to an editor or a proof reader, or a mental health professional. Good luck.
I really think you're misunderstanding me. I'm not interested in advocating for or representing any one particular group or race or viewpoint. I'm mostly just an aficionado of reality. I simply enjoy describing things as I see them, which in itself seems to be a provocative, even aggressively radical gesture. …
Yes, yes, you are utterly righteous and worthy in your scorn. Only those few solemn souls who were absolutely mirthless and perfectly dour were of the proper disposition to meet the formidable challenge of doing battle with and ultimately triumphing over those nefarious forces of evil that go by the name of Nazi. Any…
Perhaps you'd prefer my new game, a more civilized, genteel bit of enlightened entertainment, "Knitting With Nazis." The object is to cooperate with top officers of the Third Reich on creating a lovely seasonally themed sweater and matching scarf. Just be sure to leave plenty of Lebensraum!
Case in point: A few years ago I worked construction for a friend who had a black fellow, Derrick, doing cleanup and grunt work. We were hauling trash out of the office building to the dumpster in the parking lot, at the very farthest end of the lot. I said it was stupid that they dropped the dumpster so far from the…
OK, I'll let you off the hook, and I'll explain. In my first comment I was being sarcastic, making what I thought was a blatantly obvious statement snidely expressing how the AV Club is predominantly populated by liberal, progressive thinkers, that this website is a gathering spot for more enlightened, intelligent,…
I THINK that Scorsese was attempting - and largely succeeded at - creating a narrative equivalent to the Jazz music which serenades much of the film's action. Jazz music in the 40's was getting very radical, very dissonant, aggressively and often hostilely so, and likewise Martin sought to visually and dramatically…
Best guest character on a show, ever.
You mook.
I strongly, STRONGLY disagree with you that whites encounter more Blacks than LGBTs. There's a common misconception that gays and people with "alternate lifestyles" live predominantly on the coasts. There certainly are a few higher concentration communities there, but the sheer number - many millions - of LGBT…
It's not a question of mathematical percentages. The black population is 12% but it's predominantly isolated, contained in discreet, distinct communities, whereas homosexuals and gays are present in every community, in every family, within all segments, and across all socioeconomic strata, regardless of race, color,…