I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. Nyeaaah.
I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. Nyeaaah.
Right, and most people fight hardest to maintain their chosen illusions and delusions. Nothing is so tragic as watching someone's dream be dismantled, no mater how imbecilic or repulsive that dream may be.
Well, the homophobic aspects of the old coot's comments are offensive to many people just at face value, but the fact that he cloaks his backward, primitive, idiotic beliefs in his religious faith makes the issue that much more controversial. If his religion is preaching discrimination and intolerance and even hate…
OK, I now comprehend the tone of your comment.
"Bob, I got a bad feeling on this one, alright. I mean, I got a bad feeling."
Oooh, you're edgy.
I looked up "Objectively" in the big book with all the words in it and it said to see "Not." So, nyeaaah.
Rabbit Season!
Heheheh, Edumacating da peepuls iz wat Ah duz.
I think the whole fucking message in its entirety is what is being highlighted in "the media." Jim Crow apologists or deniers are fairly rare so people are not prepared to respond to that sort of bigotry and idiocy as instinctually as they are to blatant homophobia. You seem to be suggesting that the religious…
It happened to other major media personalities who made outrageously inappropriate remarks. Paula Deen spoke about having Black waiters at a catered affair because she liked the aesthetics of the bright white uniform against their dark skin. That was marginally offensive, but then her miserably inept apology made…
Futurama is a shit show written by shithead dimwits, and enjoyed by dimwitted shitheads, your dim shit.
I think his explicit reference to men's anuses is what drew so much attention to his homophobic comments. It's the very graphic imagery of his comment that resonated in the media.
No, there's no clever conspiracy or masterminded promotional effort. It's just that the old coot spoke in GQ magazine which is a higher profile cultural venue, as opposed to Guns and Ammo or Camouflage Monthly magazine. His fake hillbilly philosophy has been recorded on video going back to 2009, but his more explicit…
PJ O'Rurke is the definition of reactionary and self righteous, if you happen to pay attention to what he says. Who the fuck cares about Mark Steyn? And Christopher Guest and Trey Parker are not Conservatives, they are Libertarians, if anything, and they despise bigots, homophobes, racists and unnecessarily abusive,…
Your spontaneous, unprovoked hostility is a clear indication of the deep internal conflict which you are struggling, unsuccessfully, to suppress. If you feel justified in lashing out and insulting someone merely because you happen to disagree with his or her opinion then you are probably suffering considerable…
Oh, I see. You're of the mind that this despicable episode is but one more in a long, relentless torrent of equally reprehensible moments that constitute the bulk of contemporary American culture. Nothing new to see here, as it were. I'm not shocked either, I'm just a wee bit more depressed.
Dood, Im hapy yur makin yurself smartur in skool. Gude Luk.
Yes, yes, I understand you. You're saying it would be so nice if the fans of the program suddenly achieved spiritual enlightenment, and guided by their new found higher consciousness abandoned the ridiculous program, perhaps then devoting their lives to more worthwhile causes and efforts such as picking gnats off each…
Eat me.