
Denouncing a bigoted homophobic racist con artist does not equate to living in a comatose, insensate, bland, uncomplaining distopia. The only way to respond to such outdated, primitive, repulsive ideology is to clearly, loudly, unambiguously express contempt, and to make it absolutely clear that such vile beliefs and

I don't think you're grasping the outrageous grotesqueness of someone on a top rated nationally broadcast TV program in the 21st century getting away with such backward, primitive, repulsive statements. I'm not saying he deserves to be imprisoned or punished, but the intense wave of rabid support that his despicable

I don't think you're grasping the outrageous grotesqueness of someone on a top rated nationally broadcast TV program in the 21st century getting away with such backward, primitive, repulsive statements. I'm not saying he deserves to be imprisoned or punished, but the intense wave of rabid support that his despicable

Just so you know I shall sincerely and forever cherish your insult of "verbose wanker." That is the cherry on the top of my Sunday. Get it? Today is Sunday, but I also mean the ice cream sundae that has been this festive little spat. Also, that Futurama quote was from an earlier season, 2002, when the show was still

I think Futurama is on now. You should prolly go watch that for some comforting, reassuring, soul replenishing humor, you poor angry spaz.

So, you're a reductionist, aye? Everything everywhere, forever can be separated into two neat, tidy piles. Those certainly are a couple of massive piles you gotta deal with.

What about the possibility that I googled your original quote and upon discovering that it was a Futurama line I saw fit to present to you in graphic, literate form the absurdity of introducing such a preposterous, silly, juvenile element into an otherwise mature and sophisticated discussion of fundamental human

You do realize, don't you, that there are at least 2, 3 or 88 other possible legitimate interpretations of what has just transpired here. But if it helps you to digest your evening supper to believe you've got a clear grasp of the true nature of our exchange, then so be it. Toodles.

You have moved me to absolute contrition with your eloquent, evocative reprimand.

Apologize?! How dare you. You should be the one apologizing for posting such a negligently inflammatory comment, even if it was in jest. See, this is the smug arrogance which I detected in your original post which so irked me. You demand respect for the ill considered and even reckless choices you've made. I would

To be perfectly honest with you I detest Futurama. I've tried to watch it a couple times but the humor is so clunky and obvious and tedious. I like the idea of an average dude being dumped in the far future, such as Mike Judge did with Idiocracy, and even more so in Kornbluth's fantastic scifi short story "The

His homophobic statements were particularly salient in that he chose to mention anuses. That's very potent imagery and it resonated in the media sphere. On TV they were even displaying excerpts of the text of his actual comment just to emphasize the word "anus."

In that case I should probably cancel my subscription to Gay Lifestyles Magazine, huh? So many great ideas for theme parties…

In that case I should probably cancel my subscription to Gay Lifestyles Magazine, huh? So many great ideas for theme parties…

There's a wide panorama of experiences endured by slaves, but you seem to believe that you conclusively hold the one true opinion on what constitutes the greatest inhumanity and injustice of slavery - the simple fact of slavery. On the surface that's a reasonable enough statement, but there's something about your

Your sincerity is the most disgraceful, disgusting aspect of your position. You want to be accepted as a reasonable, rational adult, but you're critical of people speaking up for what they believe. People know that the controversy over Duck Dynasty isn't the most critical issue facing our nation or the world, but what

How do you think anything of value has ever gotten accomplished? By people just abiding the status quo, by mildly, peacefully, politely tolerating ignorance, bigotry, hatred and racism, or by speaking up loudly, by protesting, by taking bold action, by fighting passionately for truth and justice and common decency? So

I would agree with you if the bulk of the protesters were calling for Phil's arrest and incarceration for his opinions and views. But people are mostly just expressing their disgust with A&E's decision to stand by their bigoted homophobic racist moronic cash cow.

People are sensitive about a careful reading of the 1st Amendment because governments can and do regularly violate your rights by misreading or misapplying the constitution to suit its purposes. If you hope to be protected by the constitution you had better have a very clear, precise comprehension of the enumerated

There's a big difference between claiming that Martians are superb Hoola Hoop dancers and stating that Black people had a lovely time in the Jim Crow South. One is just ridiculous silly nonsense, and the other is blatant malicious racist bullshit.