
And slathered in butter.

You know exactly what you've been told. How nice.

Actually, there are many different hunting seasons throughout the year, rotating through the various game, so "hunting season" can span many months, if not the entire year in some locales.

Conservatives - especially in the media - are by definition reactionary and self righteous, so of course they see the "suspension" of Phil as an attack on their own God Given 1st Amendment right to spout ignorance and hate and prejudice. Though they do not hold an exclusive monopoly on idiocy Conservatives are

They all legally changed their names. "Hi, I'm Phil Duck Dynasty."

The fucked up system works for the fucked up people who devised it. That's so fucked up.

Whereas Hollywood Action, Fantasy, Romance, and Superhero movies are nuanced, subtle expressions of factuality - celebrations of the magical, unfathomable, wondrous spectacle that is the natural, real world. (That was sarcasm, in case you missed it.)

You are not only free to criticize, you are encouraged to do so. The thing is, your meager, self satisfied complaints are not being heard or heeded by the people who most need to be criticized. Here on the AV Club you are preaching to the choir - an equally meager, self satisfied choir. Your smug, snide snark is

The Pope is very educated and worldly, yet he still believes in a Magical God, so there's really no accounting for people's ignorance and superstitions and tediousness. And Frankie is a relatively GOOD Pope!

"the writer… was able to wrangle Robertson away from the A&E representatives"

The producers of the show and A&E have a perfect right to suspend or fire the silly old bigoted homophobic racist moron if his actions or words endanger the success of the show. It might be offensive to your sense of democracy and justice but financial enterprises are entitled to protect themselves, from even their

A&E has instinctively responded to the emphatic duck calls of its bigoted, homophobic, ignorant, primitive, racist, unAmerican viewership. And what usually happens to a duck that is lured by a hunter's call? It gets its silly, squawking head blown off. A&E, your days are numbered…

I mostly very much enjoyed this quaint, charming ditty.

Thanks Mandela!

I agree that Shutter Island was a bit of a let down; too much of a device driven, if not predictable plot. However, The Departed is a brilliant piece of cinematic gymnastics, elegantly somersaulting back and forth between crude macho drama and tender feminine emotionality. Scorsese handled the nuanced, subtle

Including ElDan's?!

We have top men working on it right now. Top. Men.

I'd like to take this opportunity to once again restate my cloying conviction that our collective appetites for compelling cinematic entertainment is but a disconcerting, if not tragic symptom of our increasingly destructive devotion to mass consumption on all fronts; a voracious appetite for all things

Trouble maker!

In Soviet Russia… Santa and Elves work on state farm growing beets and turnips, and rejoicing in heroic struggle of noble laborer by standing in 7 hour lines for mismatched horribly pinching shoes or for pint of rancid cod liver oil, or whatever it is they happen to be selling at preposterous high price, God only