I can assure you that all three of those miserable buffoons are off my Xmas card list.
I can assure you that all three of those miserable buffoons are off my Xmas card list.
Yes, Clooney is fantastic, genuinely brilliant in portraying both that old school sophisticated charm of Cary Grant, and of expressing a much more contemporary raw, uninhibited viciousness. The film, however, lacks that trademark Coens Brothers arbitrary, random spontaneity that elevated all their best films to truly…
I never downvote out of contempt for the facelessness of it, but damn, your comment has deeply, profoundly provoked me. Don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes, all day.
Hitler did accept full responsibility for the catastrophically flawed roll out of his controversial Affordable Aryan Care website. Also, Vice President Joseph Goebbels will not be challenging former first lady Hilary Clinton-Himmler for the National Socialist Fuehrer nomination.
Top 3 items of clothing least necessary in 2013:
If you do a Google image search?! What rational, sane, perfectly normal individual hasn't done at least 10 or 20 Google image searches for wedge shaped train snow plows? Seriously, you speak as though you think we're all just a bunch of pathetic, silly fools who aren't already well acquainted with the majestic…
There are certain curiously inclined individuals for whom being assaulted - who willfully subject themselves to being Beaten Down - they experience this self abuse as beatific. These compulsive pain seekers are more commonly known as Artists. The misunderstood suffering artist is a beautiful thing.
Ultimately, in the grand scheme of things - from the clear eyed, remote perspective of absolute existential indifference - who really gives a filthy rat's ass?! I mean, regardless of which team actually wins what is of utmost importance, what eclipses all other issues is the eternally insistent question of will the…
The Cherry on Top would be Vick getting his balls chewed off by a semi reformed fight dog.
After Midnight is the most wildly overrated, most tedious exercise in contrived, manipulative, self satisfied melodrama, pandering to the most maudlin, prosaic instincts and tastes in its self obsessed, smug audience. Who in their right mind didn't expect this long time couple to have a long, drawn out, hyper verbose…
I sympathize with your sentiment, but at the same time I understand Lewynn's point. People just assume that artists exist solely to entertain us regular folk, all the time, anywhere, regardless of the artist's cares or concerns, or even if it's inconvenient or intrusive. Lawyers don't ever give legal advise outside…
Fallon was fantastic as Barry Gibb, or is it Maurice Gibb, or maybe Robin Gibb? Andy Gibb?! Whatever, whichever, Jimmy does a great job with that bit, and he and Justine Timberlake were superb last night on SNL with that one skit. But as a cast member and guest skit performer Jimmy Fallon is otherwise substandard. He…
And crazy. Very crazy butter.
Two big friggin' sticks of buttah.
Cheering, hoping, or praying for another team's loss is a despicable, nefarious, soulless way to behave. True champions worthy of the title earn their preeminent position through their own masterful, superlative efforts, and not by counting upon the misfortune or missteps of others. If Philadelphians have any pride in…
Hey SNL, 1985 called and it wants its timely, popular, edgy surprise guest back. Madonna? MADONNA?!
I simply put on my snappy, snazzy Grinch style red cap and shirt with the fluffy white edging and ball on top and Presto!, every movie is transformed into a Xmas movie.
I am still convinced the term is a shortened form of deadbeat, as all the beat poets and writers were miserably poor and they all welshed on all their debts. What else would you expect from a bunch of filthy, lazy, arrogant, over caffeinated egghead hipster posers!… Naw, I keed, I keed. I, too, thought the term had…
No, no. Every time a video translates a song literally, depicting an element or character or event named in the song, a little piece of the music dies. "Shock the Monkey" is a brilliant song - original, evocative and highly imaginative, but the video reduces it to a few trite, obvious, cliche images and scenarios. An…
Yes, yes, I know exactly what you said. Well, not said, what you typed. You typed that a good video may entice you to somehow raise your estimation of an otherwise non superior song. This reminds me of something I saw on TV many, many years ago.